Tools for Transformation Teleseminars Audio Library | INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD !
Tools for Transformation Teleseminars Audio Library
Price: $397
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The Entire Audio Library is Now Available… without a subscription!
Advanced Activations for Healers & Practitioners
Get Energetic Help to Accelerate your:
- Instant Intuition and Connection to Guidance… so that your doubts disappear. “Plug in” to clear awareness (so you know what’s really going on with your clients!)
- Healing Results… so your clients think you’re a miracle worker (which, of course, you ARE!)
- Ideal Client Attraction… Attract people who can receive your work responsively – and who want to be Whole, not A-holes! (And learn how to heal those tough nuts & difficult cases.)
Essential Tools for Healers – Everything you Need to Know
57 Different Audios, on a Huge Variety of Vital Topics.
Inspired Information…
- Indispensable and Integral Info – for highly-effective healers.
- Teaches you unique, new twists on these 57 essential topics… from an advanced Now Healing perspective.
- Upgrades your tools, techniques, commands – and your healing field… instantly.
- Actually comes from Infinite Self… to heal your specific needs.
Instant Transformation…
- Activate your specific healing intentions… now.
- Get fast results for your clients – and create real shifts in reality.
- Deeply activate the highest expression of YOUR healing power.
- Align your Practice with your… Power, Purpose, Passion, and Personal Preferences.
Each 1-Hour Audio gives you Practical…
- Teachings
- Techniques and Tools
As well as Energetic…
- Transformation – on all levels (personal, spiritual, financial…)
Are you at your Highest Expression as a Healer?
Or Do you Still Sometimes…
- Feel like a fake, or a fraud (even though most of your clients tell you they get great results from you)? Even if 20 clients feel improvement after working with you, all it takes is one person to say “it didn’t work for me”, and you’re suddenly on shaky ground, losing confidence in yourself and the universe – right???
- Feel guilty and beat yourself up about not saving someone, or not yet having saved the world?
- Have resistance to “coming out” as a healer, or hesitate to tell people about it – because you don’t want to be ostracized, rejected, or ridiculed… or tarred and feathered, drawn and quartered, or burned as a witch?
- Doubt your power, because you yourself still have some aches, pains, and glitches that you have “failed” to heal? And do you think “Healer, Heal Thyself” means that you are not allowed to call yourself a healer until you are 100% problem-free?
- Let clients trample all over you, go way over-time, constantly re-schedule at the last minute, or “forget” to pay you? Are you afraid that if you set boundaries, they will quibble, or quit?
Are you Ready to Transcend All that BS? To…
- Disentangle from your individual “blockages” and perceived limitations?
- Reintegrate with your Integrity and boundaries?
- Fully Align with and Amplify your unique strengths, as a healer?
- Heal your Inner (and Outer) Healer?
Even if you’re Already Happy with your Healing
… There’s always more evolution, more Wholeness to joyfully Align with… every day. The Tools for Transformation Audio Library can get you into amazing new states… so that you resonate with ever-expanding fields of discovery!
Being a healer is not just about “mastery” & techniques
It’s not just about how effective and fast you are. It’s not about how intuitive, spiritual, or enlightened you are. It’s not just about having a successful practice of high-paying clients. Don’t forget… it’s also about integration with your WHOLE life.
Being a healer should not drain or stress you! It energizes you. Harmonizes you. And most importantly…
Being a Healer Heals You! Are you allowing that?
Do you Feel Supported, as a Healer?
We healers give so much to others. It’s time to allow ourselves to receive some deep support and powerful “energetic encouragement.”
Even if you are an Expert in 50 Modalities…
… your training, certifications and diplomas don’t necessarily give you the energetic and spiritual foundation for enjoying your healing work! Expertise and Knowledge are wonderful… but they don’t automatically grant you a high degree of:
- Integrity
- Inspiration
- Inner peace
- Influence… and…
- Income!
Every time you listen to these audios, you…
- Disentangle from anything that distorts or blocks you, as a healer.
- Align with your Highest Expression as a Healer.
- Evolve your Healing Power – measurably, and immeasurably!
- Balance your Personal Life with your Highest Healer Self… to live your life, be who you are, and do that healing thang you do so beautifully!
This goes Beyond Now Healing 101
Have you been waiting for the next level of the Now Healing 101 Course? Well, this is it!
The live Tools for Transformation Teleseminars started where Now Healing 101 left off.
The teleseminars were a powerful incubator for advanced material… and for new “downloads” of tools, commands and concepts.
And now you can get ALL the recordings!
First, the audios help to Align you with the concepts in Now Healing 101… and to Integrate them into your practice.
Next, they take you to the next level, with new material and new morphic fields of infinite expansion.
Now Healing is constantly evolving. If you want to keep up with new developments, tools and techniques – beyond Now Healing 101 – and upgrade your healing power… this is the program for you.
Tools for Transformation Teleseminars – Audio Library
Advanced Activations for Healers and Practitioners
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is an ADVANCED program, designed for healers with an existing practice, and for those who are serious about starting a healing practice.
This is NOT a certification program; it is a collection of comprehensive teachings, tips, techniques, practice, and most of all, energetic Alignments, that support healers… with Transformation into their highest expression.
Before you purchase this library, it is highly recommended that: 1) you be familiar with the basic techniques, terminology, and commands of Now Healing, and that… 2) you can successfully do basic Energetic Alignments using Now Healing Commands like “Align” and “Disentangle“.
You are “Ready” if you have done at least one of the following four products, with reasonably good results: 1) the Now Healing 101 Home Study Course; or 2) Heal Your Situation; or 3) The Seven Transformations; or 4) Energetic Detox.
Get Tools for Transformation Teleseminars Audio Library right now!
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Denise Dean –
product just as described. A+++++++. Highly recommended !!!! | Tools for Transformation Teleseminars Audio Library