[Download] Burt Goldman Courses – NLP Learning Collection
Sale Page: burtgoldman.com
Value: $ 10,000
You just pay: $ 117
Status: Instant Download
This item Includes:
(1) Burt Goldman – Enlightened NLP
(2) Burt Goldman – New Moon Programming
(3) Burt Goldman – Quantum Jumping I + II
(4) Burt Goldman – Quantum Jumping Past Life Regression
(5) Burt Goldman – The American Monk Mindbox
(6) Quantum – Absolution
(1) Burt Goldman – 7 Free Meditation Lessons
(2) Burt Goldman – Goal Setting
(3) Burt Goldman – Prosperity Program
(4) Burt Goldman – The Liberty Program
(5) Burt Goldman – The Victory Program
(6) Burt Goldman – Timeless
(7) Onbekend
Who is Burt Goldman ?
I’m one of those lucky people who discovered a secret early in life. I spent over 50 years cultivating my knowledge and studying with some of the world’s greatest spiritual teachers. Today, I’ve settled in California and will spend the next few minutes sharing a few important lessons with you.
When I was just nineteen, I was with the American Occupation Forces in Korea. I had a Korean-American buddy who told me of a mystic he had met while he was wandering around the outskirts of Seoul. I got to meet that mystic. In that small home of Mr. Kwan Jung, whose name I later learned meant strong and righteous, I heard things I’d never thought of before. I learned about Qi, or energy, and Li, the control of this energy.
Suddenly Korea turned into much more than just a place to bide my time until I returned to the States. This was my first dip into the metaphysical world I knew so little about…
Over 50 Years Of Exploration In The Deepest Depths Of Human Mind
I was then transferred to Hawaii where I met my first Kahuna Master. I was told the teachings of Kahuna were secret and the word “secret” in the Hawaiian language was huna, which meant, known to very few.
I was fascinated by what I had learned in Hawaii and wanted to know more but there were no Kahunas in the US at that time. After my discharge from the army, I heard of a great swami and my curiosity led me to Paramahansa Yogananda. I learned the art of meditation at the feet of this great master, who brought meditation and yoga to the West.
After Yogananda passed on in 1952, I sought other ways to fill my cup with knowledge. I read everything I could on the subject of the mind and the variety of ways to use it.
Next, I explored hypnotism and was fascinated by it. I practiced it for many years, all the while researching and learning.
By then I had also become proficient in hand acupressure, a component of acupuncture without puncturing the body. I began healing and teaching people to heal by simply pressing on two parts of the subject’s body with the middle fingers of my left and right hands.
My teachings at the time were for small groups, or individuals. I had not yet gotten the idea of world travel, or gathering large groups of people.
At this point in my life I heard about Jose Silva, and tried my hand at helping him run his mind control seminars. After injecting some of my own techniques I became his number one instructor and remained in that position until I left the organization.
I didn’t stop there. I went on to study the ancient Chinese system of Feng Shui, I became a Psychic, and I mastered NLP. At my peak I conducted seminars for Heads of States, European Royalty and amassed audiences numbering up to 700.
Now at the age of 80+, traveling around the world to do seminars would be too much. And so I’ve decided to spread my knowledge in a different way: through the internet.
The internet allows me to share my knowledge with the world, and enable people like you to easily tap into the latent power of your mind.
I offer nothing but proven, time-tested techniques that have been conceived, tested and fine-tuned with hundreds of thousands of participants throughout the world. Techniques that could very well change your life for the better.
Kobe Owen –
great Seller! | Burt Goldman – NLP Collection (6 Courses + 6 Bonus)