Till Boadella – Drop Shipping Mastery 2018 | INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD !
Get Till Boadella – Drop Shipping Mastery 2018 right now! | INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD !
Who Else Wants To See Behind The Scenes Of Drop Shipping Stores That Generate Between $10,000-$100,000 Every Month…
…And Ethically Steal Their Exact Product Research, Advertising And Marketing Tactics…?
If you’d like to build an easy, lucrative and fun drop shipping business, you can now take advantage of a massive shortcut and copy the secret tactics used by six-figure and even seven-figure drop shipping store owners.
Dear Friend,
What I’m offering today is unprecedented.
For the first time ever you can learn directly from the world’s most successful drop shippers who make between $10,000-$100,000 per month…
Here’s who this is for:
Complete Drop Shipping Newbies: If you’re a complete newbie and want to learn step-by-step how to set up a profitable Shopify drop shipping store from scratch, without flushing insane amounts of money down the toiled, this is for you.
Getting Traffic But No Sales? If you’ve already set up a Shopify drop shipping store and are getting a few visitors here and there but no sales…you’ll finally learn how to make your first sale and generate consistent sales every day…
If You’re Making Sales But Your Store Isn’t Profitable you’ll discover how to find massive WINNERS and scale them up …so you can retire from your day job and join the ranks of “New Rich” online entrepreneurs who are crushing it with drop shipping…
If that’s YOU…
What I’m about to offer today is of great value…
But before I tell you about it…
The Disclaimer That
Couldn’t Be Any Plainer
Becoming successful at drop shipping is a combination of different factors including hard work, skills, talent, intelligence and a bit of luck.
A lot of people make fortunes with drop shipping. But most people who invest in any type of “how to” information, including business programs, get no results.
Unfortunately, I think this is due to the fact that most people don’t put in the amount of work that’s required to get results. Or they simply give up too early at the slightest hint of adversity or hardship.
All of my successful students have one thing in common:
They work hard.
I don’t want to insult your intelligence by making any claims or promising what type of results you can get with drop shipping. Like with everything in life, individual results vary. And how much money you can make with this program depends on many factors that are outside of my control.
The sky is the limit, but if you’re lazy, nothing will happen.
That being said,
How I Accidentally
Became The Head Of A
Secret Drop Shipping Mastermind
Let me explain.
In the last two years I was able to build multiple successful drop shipping businesses in different niches.
That doesn’t make me unique.
Lots of people have seen success with drop shipping.
But additionally to my own success …I’ve seen behind the scenes of many successful drop shipping businesses that generate between $10,000 and $100,000 per month…
What I’ve learned from this is amazing.
You see, when I first started talking about drop shipping, I only had my own success to draw from …and my information was kind of limited…
Don’t get me wrong here.
The information I shared was solid and it worked…
It allowed me to help a ton of people …many of which built incredibly successful drop shipping stores that make at least $10,000 per month.
But something else happened accidentally as I surrounded myself with other successful drop shippers, some of which were former students who completed my courses and coaching programs …while others were random people I didn’t know who reached out to me to share their results and reveal what tactics, strategies and tricks they were using…
And by the way:
All of them started as complete newbies.
Now they are crushing it with drop shipping …making between $10,000 and $100,000 per month with Shopify…
The friendships that came from this are amazing …we all kind of turned into one big drop shipping family …and before realizing it I was the head of the most cutting-edge drop shipping mastermind ever…
It all happened organically.
Most of it went down in private messages on Facebook and Snapchat…
The value exchange was immense …I was able to help out many of these already successful drop shippers and they shared gold nuggets in return…which resulted in a massive collective learning experience about what works and doesn’t work in drop shipping right now…
What struck me most is that we all use different methods.
And that’s when I realized…
Get Till Boadella – Drop Shipping Mastery 2018 on IMCLibrary.com right now!
The “Gurus” Are Trying
To Make You Believe
There’s Only One Method
(Their Method…)
Everyone pretends like they’ve discovered the holy grail of drop shipping.
For a long time I believed my drop shipping method (which still works great by the way) was the only way to become successful…
I fell victim of the same bias all other “gurus” fall victim of.
Because a certain method worked for me to become successful at drop shipping …I thought I had stumbled upon some ultimate secret …and every “guru” is committing the same fallacy without realizing it…
Nobody can blame them.
It’s mere luck that I happen to be at the centre of this “secret mastermind” …where all innovation is happening…
And I’m not talking about some lame Facebook group.
All of this is going down in Snapchat, Facebook private messages and Skype calls behind closed doors …it’s the kind of mastermind you can’t join no matter how much you pay…
I’ve learned more in one year from being part of this elite group of drop shippers than I’ve learned in all eight years of doing online marketing.
The most important lesson I’ve learned is:
There Are Many Ways To
Make $10,000 Or More Per Month
With Drop Shipping
That’s great news.
It means your odds of succeeding are a lot higher than you think.
There are at least 12 PROVEN METHODS to build profitable a drop shipping store that all work like crazy right now…
I know this for a fact because I’ve seen behind the scenes of countless six-figure and seven-figure drop shipping stores …many of them either owned by former students of my programs or social media followers…
For example, I recently had a Skype call with Florian.
When we talked he had just made…
$60,000 In 2 Weeks
All from Facebook ads.
His secret?
He uses a unique product research process.
During our Skype call he shared everything with me …how he finds winning products, his exact Facebook advertising method and how he scaled up from $1,000 per day to $6,000 per day….
He even logged in to his Facebook ad account during our call.
We talked for about thirty minutes.
Florian is just one of the guys in the “secret mastermind”.
Meet Arturo who made…
$25,000 In 2 Days
From Influencer Marketing
He used a genius strategy (known as ‘Arturo’s Method’ to my students) to get a free shoutout from a large Facebook page in his niche.
This shoutout resulted in $25,000 in a period of 2 days.
The best part is:
He didn’t spend a dime on advertising or marketing.
What’s even more mind-blowing is that he got these results just a few days after launching his drop shipping store…
Other students have since replicated ‘Arturo’s Method’ to get their drop shipping businesses off the ground and have seen great success.
One of them is Armin.
He signed up for one of my programs in February 2017.
After paying the program fee he only had $9 left in his bank account, which he spent on a domain name. He signed up for Shopify’s free trial and used ‘Arturo’s Method’ to get a free shoutout.
This resulted in a few hundred dollars in sales.
With the new funds he bought some paid shoutouts on Instagram which lead to a lot more sales and eventually $6,000 per month.
Armin went on to build a team of affiliates that promoted his products for a commission. His sales kept skyrocketing every month …until he decided to cash out and sell his store.
I’ve since stayed in touch with Armin via private Facebook messages.
He’s a former student turned “secret mastermind” member.
Then there’s a dude from the UK who made…
$1,000,000 In One Year
He booked a coaching session with me a while ago.
The way he makes $1,000,000 per year is with YouTube influencers.
He targets less saturated markets (hint: he doesn’t target the USA) and none of his revenue depends on Facebook advertising.
Instead, he buys sponsored videos from famous YouTubers in his niche that generate him almost $100,000 per month consistently. After the coaching he joined the mastermind and helped out other members…
His method is different from what Florian, Arturo and Armin do.
But here’s what’s really mind-blowing:
These are just 4 of the PROVEN ways to build a six-figure or million dollar drop shipping business in less than a year…
There are many more.
As I mentioned already, there’s at least a dozen drop shipping methods that work like crazy right now …and I’d like to give you the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join this “secret mastermind” today…
Are you ready for massive success?
Want To Learn Directly
From The Source?
I recently read Tim Ferris’s book ‘Tools of Titans’.
The book is a collection of hundreds of different mentors giving life advice.
It’s a bit like planting yourself in the midst of the world’s most successful people and directly learning from them.
You surely know the cliché:
We’re the average of the five people we surround ourselves with.
But the thing is: It’s really hard to get “access” to successful people and have them mentor us …because these people are extremely busy…
(I got access because I have a “name” online…)
Most of the world’s top drop shippers don’t reveal their secrets …you can’t buy their courses or learn from them because they don’t speak publicly about their successes.
They operate in secrecy and MAKE MILLIONS…
After reading ‘Tools of Titans’ my head was spinning.
What if I interviewed all these elite drop shippers and created a program?
Sometimes I wished others could listen in on the amazing Skype calls we had …get the gold nuggets exchanged in private messages…and join the mastermind sessions that take place behind closed doors.
So a few weeks ago I had an idea:
What if I sat down with all of these drop shipping icons and got them to reveal their most treasured secrets in front of camera?
And so it happened.
It looked just like our regular masterminding sessions.
The only difference was that I hit the record button during these otherwise “secret” conversations.
I then took all these interviews and broke them down into step-by-step methods that ANYONE could easily follow.
The result is an immersive drop shipping program.
Let me introduce you to…
I decided to call the program “Drop Shipping Mastery” because that’s the closest to what it is.
It’s an apprentice program to learn directly from the best drop shippers in the world who have reached mastery level …transferring their skills, their secrets and their strategies to people eager to succeed like YOU…
But it’s fundamentally different from anything else you’ve seen so far.
Unlike all other courses sold by Shopify and drop shipping “gurus”, I’ll take you behind the scenes of actual drop shipping businesses.
Plus, you’re not just learning one method.
But …12 METHODS.
Also you’re not learning from people who have an interest to sell you a course …what you’re getting is HONEST, REAL AND PROVEN advice from the world’s most successful drop shippers.
But let me walk you through everything in detail…
Here’s Exactly
What You’re Getting
I’ve sat down with all the people in the “secret mastermind” I told you about and recorded 30-60 minute long interviews with them.
Today you’re getting access to these interviews.
But that’s not all: After the interviews I took a step back, deconstructed the approach of each drop shipper and broke it down into a simple step-by-step method that anyone could follow.
So you’re getting the interviews plus videos explaining each method.
It’s like getting 12 separate drop shipping courses all in ONE …with detailed instructions on what to do, how and why.
Each method works.
(So you can pick one – or even better – use them complimentary!)
That being said, here’s what you’re getting…
Get Till Boadella – Drop Shipping Mastery 2018 on IMCLibrary.com right now!
Kinsley Rush –
Great deal, quick shipping. | Till Boadella – Drop Shipping Mastery 2018