Sifu Fernandez – WingTchunDo – Lesson 68 – Historical Archives | Instant Download !
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These videos were once a secret part of my personal journey. They are something I decided to make public only for the Wing Chun University.
– It involves my journeys to Hong Kong.
– It shows various things, including free sparring.
– It shows some teaching and doing seminars and having the privilege to teach WingTsun and WingTchunDo to the Chinese community. It is an exchange from West meeting East and showing a Westerners point of view of Chinese Kung Fu. It was an effort that was highly appreciated from the Chinese community as many times they were also curious to see how Westerners adapt Chinese Kung Fu in their part of the world.
– It also covers certain practices I developed from my first lineage of Tsui Shun Tin (Chu Shong Tin) and how I developed it into my overall Wing Chun training today.
– It also covers discussions of real live experiences of bouncing at the door and how I applied Wing Chun in real situations.
These files are an important collection for the historical archives of our Wing Chun Family tree.
Cassius Stephens –
Item arrived on time. | Sifu Fernandez – WingTchunDo – Lesson 68 – Historical Archives