Rich Litvin – The High-Performing, High-Performance Coach – Available Now !!!
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Finally: A Better, More Powerful & More Efficient Way To Truly Be Of Service As A Coach And Earn The 6-Figure Income You Deserve
Discover How To Clear Your Success Blocks, Create Dream Clients On Demand & Make An Even Bigger Impact In This World… Simply By Being You And
Being Of Service
A 4-Pillar Plan To Building A Highly Profitable & Prosperous Coaching Practice In A Better, More Powerful & More Efficient Way
Have you ever…
- Felt frustrated because your own fears, blocks or stories are holding you back from creating the epic business and lifestyle you crave? (I’m talking six-figure incomes and more, as well as personal freedom and a deep sense of fulfillment.)
- Struggled to get clients and constantly “attracted” the wrong ones who can’t pay what you’re worth, or disappear after your first discovery session? (Hint: Then it’s time that you quit “attracting” clients and start creating them instead… Keep reading to find out how!)
- Felt small and insignificant because you secretly know that you could be making a much bigger impact, serving way more people and transforming more lives… but you just don’t know what the heck you’re doing wrong?
- Doubted yourself as a businessperson because even though you’re living your purpose, your income and lifestyle do not reflect your hard work at all?
- Wondered why other coaches can charge hundreds of thousands of dollars and have clients on the waiting list who are eager to pay… while you’re still working yourself to the bone — undercharging and over-delivering?
- Felt like a fraud because you’re brilliant at creating breakthroughs for your clients, but feel stuck or powerless when it comes to creating the same results for yourself?
Get Rich Litvin – The High-Performing, High-Performance Coach at
Whether you’re just starting out as a coach, trying to find your first paying clients or you’ve been in the industry for many years… there’s always a point in your business when you feel like you hit a plateau…
- Maybe you’re giving marketing, social media and Facebook ads your best shot, but only end up attracting a handful of clients, making a buck here and a buck there — without ever being in control of your monthly income.
- Maybe you’re attracting a lot of clients, but then they’re only willing to pay half of what you’re worth, argue about your prices, are not fully committed to the process or demand much more attention than what they’ve paid you for in the first place.
- Or maybe your business is “good,” but deep down inside you know that you’re stuck in your comfort zone and capable of making a much bigger impact, serving way more people, transforming more lives… and you’re finally ready to play big and unleash that dormant potential.
High-Performance = Deeper Impact +
Higher Income
- Constantly learn, grow and evolve — both in your personal and your professional life, so that you can provide extraordinary services to your clients and have them coming back for more
- Have a tested and proven system that allows you to consistently create high quality clients, instead of just randomly “attracting” prospects who may or may not be right for you (and you know that coaching the “wrong” clients is always a pain…)
- Do the deep inner work to overcome your own blocks, fears and limiting beliefs, busting through the invisible glass ceiling that’s keeping you small right now (which is not going to happen unless you take action)
- Invest in yourself and your business so that you can build your confidence and find the courage to actually put yourself out there and take the steps necessary to get to that level of six-figure incomes, clients on your waiting list and more (like speaking engagements, private retreats and sold-out live workshops… because knowledge without action is pretty much worthless!)
“HOW exactly am I supposed to do all of that?!” or
“Yeah right, as if I haven’t been TRYING to do that all along….”
But now you’re probably wondering: who exactly is Rich Litvin, and why should you believe a word he’s saying or trust him with your business?
Are you up for it?
The 4 Pillars Of Creating A High-Performing, High-Performance Coaching Practice
Deep Inner Work
Fearless Coaching
Creating Clients
Creating Community
Introducing High-Performing, High-Performance Coach — The 4-Pillar Plan To Building A Highly Profitable & Prosperous Coaching Practice
- Experience Rich’s coaching and the breakthroughs that come with it.
- Learn the exact way he coaches and achieves results, based on the four pillars.
This Is What High-Performing, High-Performance Coach Will Do For You And Your Coaching Practice:
1. Overcome Your Success Blocks
2. Achieve Deeper Levels Of Transformation With Your Clients
3. Create Clients With Ease
4. Stay In Alignment With Your Vision And Purpose
5. Serve More People
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Terry Carroll –
A++ | Rich Litvin – The High-Performing, High-Performance Coach