Psychotherapy Networker Symposium: Advances in Trauma Treatment Today – Don Meichenbaum , Janina Fisher , Mary Jo Barrett & John Briere | Instant Download !
This Forum will offer fresh perspectives on how our basic understanding of trauma has developed since PTSD first became accepted as official diagnosis 30 years ago. Each presenter offers a 20-minute presentation in the compelling TED Talk style followed by the opportunity for further exchange and exploration with the audience.
- What Really Works in Trauma Therapy: Searching for Commonalities among the Acronym Therapies:Donald Meichenbaum, PhD
- Whatever Happened to Family Therapy?: Recovering Our Systemic View of Trauma: Mary Jo Barrett, MSW
- Treating Multiply Traumatized Youth: An Evidence-Based Approach to an Overlooked Treatment Population:John Briere, PhD
- Addictions and Trauma:Addictions as both the Problem . . . and the Solution:Janina Fisher, PhD
- Discuss the clinical implications of complex trauma in youth.
- Articulate strategies for clients struggling with addictions to improve treatment outcomes.
- Introduction to trauma panel and “flash forum” structure
- Expert 20-minute panelist presentations
- Audience pairing up and discussing of panel topics
- Panelist answering of audience questions
Jamie Stout –
Great deal, quick shipping. | Psychotherapy Networker Symposium: Advances in Trauma Treatment Today – Don Meichenbaum , Janina Fisher , Mary Jo Barrett & John Briere