Personality Disorders Advanced Treatment and Management – Gregory W. Lester | Instant Download !
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By watching Personality Disorders in Social Work and Health Care, thousands of practitioners have learned the concepts and techniques necessary to understand, treat, and manage clientele with the difficult conditions called personality disorders. Often considered “untreatable” or “hopeless,” Dr. Lester’s course taught practitioners that there are indeed effective management and treatment approaches. Participants learned how to identify personality disorders, assess them, and apply effective intervention models.
Participants’ success in using Dr. Lester’s approach to treating personality disorders has led to an unprecedented demand for advanced training. This recording was produced in response to that demand and offers instruction in assessing, managing, and treating these disorders at the “specialist” level. It is designed to provide practitioners with cutting-edge skills and a high level of expertise to utilize when working with individuals, couples, families, and children.
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