Jason Capital – Success Installation – Available Now !!!
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“One Of Jason’s Most Effective Courses.
A Foundational Program For Succes In Life”
Jason Capital has designed a system that taps into your subconscious in order to help you develop overwhelming success from within you. It is aimed at giving you the ability to create success in your endeavors, and your chosen goals.
Success Installation System is an eye-opening and thought-provoking program that makes you aware of the 6 causes and habits of success. These are essential to develop on a consistent daily basis for the rest of your life.
The 6 causes of success are:
-STANDARDS (and re-raising them)
-DEFAULT SETTING (developing your default setting, the state you’re in the most often becomes your default setting)
-SELF-IMAGE (JC’s information is based on Maxwell Maltz Psychocybernetics)
-KAIZEN (Daily Habits, Small Increments Of Development Over Extended Periods Of Time For Massive Change and Success, originally a Japanese philosophy)
-VISION development
-CREATION and how it’s all wrapped in your environment that you must engineer and develop.
While there are SO MANY elements of success, these 6 causes of success are undoubtedly critical and as JC says pivotal to his ground-breaking success over the years, especially when he went from broke to multi-millionaire in a short amount of time.
JC talks about 90 day checkpoints for our goals, and writing the steps and processes to achieve this, 5 year goal plans, the top 5 goals we want to achieve.
JC talks in depth about how the people around affect you, thoughts, actions and beliefs, and the environment also, a huge emphasis is placed on environment exposure, to people – places – experiences and how they affect us a deep level in life.
Personally I would say the much more of the time should be with the people who are better than you so you can model them, be influenced and reformed by them to become a greater version of yourself equal to their level.
This program gives you a blueprint and mental framework of the 6 causes of success and how they can be implemented.
If these are applied at a dramatic level to your goals / aims, new heights can be achieved for personal achievement in any field.
This program is a foundational program for JC’s work, aswell as Carefree Installation System. The SIS Program and Carefree Installation System complement each other perfectly.
I personally consider Carefreeness to be the secret 7th cause of success since it removes being an over-the-top super serious person in a detrimental “work – work -work!” mindset and lifestyle that crushes your spirit and personal happiness.
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