Fitness Mentors – Audio Lectures, Practice Tests and Study Guide for the NASM CPT Ex | INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD !
Fitness Mentors – Audio Lectures, Practice Tests and Study Guide for the NASM CPT Ex
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Audio Lectures for the NASM Certified Personal Trainer Exam
Every person retains information in different ways and we want to help those that prefer to listen and learn. It can be difficult to truly understand the information when studying for your NASM CPT Test, as the NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training textbook has over 600 pages. Reading every last word can be a daunting task. Let us help you understand some of the tough material and focus your studies on what is most important to passing the NASM CPT Exam. Kick back and listen to our Audio Lectures and highlight the sections we recommend. We have an Audio Lecture for every chapter ensuring that you get everything you need to feel confident on test day.
Double-Up your confidence with our Study Guide for the NASM CPT Exam in conjunction with with the Audio Lectures. This will give you an extreme edge when you take the NASM CPT Exam.
Enjoy the the confidence of a lifetime with three of our best resources including the Study Guide, Audio Lectures and Practice Tests. These three together make you feel like you are in a classroom environment with lectures, homework and quizzes to ensure you are optimally retaining the information to pass your exam.
Natalee Cisneros –
Very good service, but I did not like the CD’s | Fitness Mentors – Audio Lectures, Practice Tests and Study Guide for the NASM CPT Ex