Drayton Bird – The Golden Key – Available Now !!!
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Business owners – what keeps you awake at night? Whatever it is – I’d like to help”
“Have you ever left a restaurant wondering why you ordered so much?
I know I have.
You order with good intentions – but you literally can’t fit in everything you’d like to.
A lot like life, really. And that’s why I’ve launched this new site. Let me explain.
Over the years, I’ve created a huge amount of marketing material: videos, PDFs, case studies and Q&As.
I’m hugely biased, naturally. But I believe these little gems will help you solve any marketing conundrum – and come out with a profit. So a while ago I crowbarred them in to a membership site.
But it all went wrong because of one disastrous factor I had overlooked: lack of time.
Lots of people subscribed. But hardly any – and I mean this – used all that material. In fact, most subscribers watched less than 30 minutes of video a month. They just didn’t have the time.
“Got a question? Ask me!
Some poor souls paid happily each month and never logged in – a classic case of other people’s money – like their bosses’ – I suspect.
In my younger days, I would have been perfectly happy with this arrangement. But not now. The biggest thrill – and pleasure – I get is teaching.
So I wondered what I could do.
Give it all away perhaps? Not a chance: who values free information? Though I concede it’s smart to give some away.
Lower the price? This seemed obvious to me. At my age I far prefer the people who want to learn but can’t afford to, rather than the people who can, but don’t.
Short on time?
But there’s a much bigger problem: the thorny issue of subscribers actually using what’s in there.
Well, that seemed obvious to me as well.
After decades of giving seminars and mastermind groups, you get a feel of what people are after, what’s useful, and what’s not.
So I’ve recorded hours of new content – but with a difference:
It’s the stuff I’d want to know if I was learning.
It all comes in short videos – from 5 minutes to 20 minutes, max.
So you really can dip in and dip out.
Each month you’ll get 1 hour of these little nuggets, as well as access to what I call ‘the vault’, which consists of all the videos and PDFs from the old site. But then I thought, what can I add to make it even better value?
And I just thought of ‘Ask Drayton’. Ask me a reasonable question and I’ll reply in person (let’s not get carried away now, ask me to write a complete marketing plan and I’ll tell you to bugger off).
In month 1, with brand spanking new, bite sized content, I cover:
What to spend your marketing money on. When everyone is zigging, it’s sometimes smart to zag.
How a little bit of planning can go a long way. I’ve always surprised myself , and my financial director, when I take the time to plan.
Money squandered by the lazy. I see this time and time again and it drives me insane.
How to avoid vampires that suck away your writing substance. These ghouls still keep me awake at night.
Two roads to copy disaster. And they are not what you think.
Why people really respond. It’s all about them.
A great formula for sales letters and landing pages. As I said, I’m biased, but this is worth the subscription price on its own.
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Howard Lynch –
Extremely fast to arrive, well packaged, and was in the condition advertised. I’m very pleased. Thanks a million! AAA+++ | Drayton Bird – The Golden Key