Dmitry Dragilev – PR That Converts – Available Now !!!
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Explode Your Sales and Users
A step by step proven system to pitch and build long-term relationships with influencers & journalists to hockey stick grow your traffic and sales.
I want to share my personal story with you.
Ten years ago, I was a nobody. An office drone nobody.
And I had the classic symptoms to show for it: I was overweight, stressed and depressed.
I had zero industry connections.
The only people I was on first name basis was employees of takeout restaurants.
Fast forward ten years.
I created a tidal wave of publicity for a startup called Polar and it grew from 0 to 40M views per month and got acquired by Google.
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#1 | Wasting boatloads of time reading other peoples’ stuff
It’s too easy to get caught up reading other peoples’ posts and not get any work done.
Break this habit immediately. Get into the creator mindset.
Stop reading every post that hits your screen.
Be selective about what you’re giving attention to. Don’t let other peoples’ posts distract you from being a constant producer.
Think about one of your favorite musicians or authors, what do they do well?
Answer: They produce as much as possible. They became pro by constantly producing new work.
They may take an interest in other people’s work but, 9 times out of 10, they’re focused on producing original material.
Why? Because their careers evaporate the second, they stop producing.
Know how many albums The Beatles produced?
13 studio albums from 1962 to 1970.
They wrote and recorded 309 songs, including covers. That’s over three songs per month, every month, for eight years!
As entrepreneurs, we need to produce continually; otherwise, we become has-been rockers who can’t even sell out a pub.
#2 | Operating without a sound foundation
When you work for yourself, it doesn’t get easier to make upwards progress.
It gets SUPER hard, and the odds aren’t in your favor. It’s like trekking up Mount Everest without a coat on or sherpas to carry your supplies.
You need a rock solid plan to keep you on track.
Otherwise, you’ll forget to bring your jacket to climb that snowy mountain… or forget to do the dishes while your spouse has been at work all day, and you’re at home browsing Google or Facebook.
You don’t see surgeons operating on patients without a plan, do you?
So why would you operate a business without a plan?
Answer: You shouldn’t! It’s a surefire way to fail.
#3 | Reaching out to top blogs on a whim
You can’t just email the editors of top blogs or contributors at Forbes asking them to feature you.
Why not?
1. They’ll ignore you.
2. You’ll sound desperate.
You need patience and the right framework to build momentum for your business. And to get your content and brand featured on top blogs like Kissmetrics or Lifehack.
You need to play it cool. Build up a portfolio of posts on your blog and get featured on smaller blogs first.
Most top blogs and publications no longer accept unsolicited guest posts from newbies.
They aren’t interested in wasting time reviewing your pitches and/or editing your writing. It would take up way too much of their time of which they already have little to spare.
Top models don’t suddenly start strutting their stuff down the high fashion runways of Milan and London.
They spend years building up their portfolios before they end up on the covers of a Women’s Wear Daily or People Magazine.
#4 | Trying to figure it all out
The most common problem is trying to do everything on your own.
Look, I know what it’s like.
It’s a natural human tendency to want to be part of the “in crowd” and feel that you’re recognized for your contributions to the world.
Seriously, who would want to be forgotten tomorrow?
You can’t be everywhere without relationships with influencers and getting featured by top blogs.
Even influencers like Ramit Sethi still write epic guest posts for Tim Ferriss and LeadPages.
You can’t work it all out on your own. Or if you can, you’ll be miserable in the process.
You need a partner to encourage you to produce more high quality content and reach outside your comfort zone.
You can’t grow by shutting yourself off from the world behind your computer or locked up in a cave. I’d love to do that, but I realize it’s not the answer if I want to grow my business.
You need to get out there and build relationships with other bloggers and influencers.
#5 | Emailing influencers before guest blogging
Look, reach out to whoever you want to, but chances are slim other influencers will pay attention to you when you’re just starting out.
Influencers prefer to surround themselves with like-minded accomplished influencers.
Maybe it feels like they’re part of this exclusive club with red ropes and big scary bouncers where you’re not on the list to get in.
Trust me; I know the feeling…
The anxiety and stress of trying to build a business while struggling to get by or feeling stuck with clients you can’t stand.
You think, gosh, wouldn’t be easier if I could get top influencers to promote my stuff and talk about me in their posts?
You know, people with 1000’s or 100,000s of raving fans.
Well, don’t expect to get there without creating outstanding content and getting your posts featured on top blogs.
You need to figure this stuff out if you want to reach your goals.
What Will You Learn In PR That Converts?
You will learn the step by step system to find influencers and journalists most likely to be interested in what you do and how to effectively start conversations and build long-term relationships with them.
PR That Converts includes videos, case studies, live watch-over-my-shoulder tutorials and worksheets designed to help you take the next steps as soon as you learn it. It is perfect for startup teams, freelancers, consultants and companies who want to drive massive traffic to their products and services without risking a dime a expensive and unreliable PR firms and other pay-for-performance marketing strategies.
1000+ students have taken this course to achieve rapid company growth and master a low cost method they can deploy on their own again and again whenever they want to acquire tons of new customers.
Module 1: Reaching out and building relationships
The basics of reaching out and building relationships
Detailed step-by-step instructions for every process and strategy you will learn
You will learn how I built relationships with Tim Ferriss, Gary Vaynerchuck, Brian Dean, Noah Kagan and 1300+ publications
You will learn a proven formula I use to strike up conversations with influencers and bloggers
You will learn the best way to turn these conversations into email threads and relationships
Finally you’ll learn how to turn these relationships into press features and mentions
You will learn how I built a startup from 0 to 40M pageviews through PR alone
Objective of this module:
To give you the basic formula, foundation and tools to strike up conversations with influencers, bloggers, journalists and turn them into relationships.
Module 2: Building a Hit List and Writing an Email Pitch
You will learn the how to find influencers and journalists who are actually interested in what you have to say
How to find target publications and blogs who would be interested in having you contribute without getting rejected or ignored
You will learn the process I’ve used to reach out to influencers that has helped me realize a 98% acceptance rate
You will get the most successful email pitch angles that take just 2 minutes to write and don’t cause you to sweat bullets before hitting the ‘Send’ button
You will learn how to write engaging headlines for your email pitches
You will learn a secret Buzzsumo hack I use to find influencers to pitch
You will learn the specific things journalists and influencer prefer to see in their email pitches.
You will get a behind-the-scenes look at how I pitch influencers and press
Objective of this module:
To quickly put together a HIT LIST of influencers and journalists who would be interested in you and write the best email pitch which would get a response from them.
Module 3: Guessing their email address and reaching out
You will learn how to guess anyone’s email address
You will learn how to grab hundreds of emails addresses from LinkedIn
You will learn how hack LinkedIn to find email addresses for any individual
You will learn a proven formula I use to find anybody’s contact info and verify it’s current and valid
You will get a behind-the-scenes look at me guessing someone’s email address
You will learn all about the apps and tools I use to make my email address guessing efficient and fast
You will learn how to quickly find contact info of any influencer or journalist in the world
Objective of this module:
To become proficient at guessing and verifying contact information for any influencer, journalist or reporter.
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Module 4: Advanced Follow Up and Reaching Out Strategies
As you know 90% of responses come from email follow ups, you will learn the advanced techniques I use to send follow ups and get responses
You will learn the best time of the week and day to send your follow up emails
You will learn the one follow up format that works wonders for getting a response from an influencer or a journalist
You will learn how to use mail merge to send hundreds of personalizes outreach emails
You will learn how to find and test the best follow up sequences with a specific type of influencer or journalist
How one simple strategy gets me responses from 90% of all email outreach emails I send
You will learn how to check whether your email was opened and read and configure an appropriate follow up sequence
You will learn how to make you email follow ups crazy short and actionable to optimize for a response
Objective of this module:
To become proficient at setting up automatic email follow up sequences which guarantee a response from your prospect 90% of the time.
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Tanya Bailey –
Extremely fast to arrive, well packaged, and was in the condition advertised. I’m very pleased. Thanks a million! AAA+++ | Dmitry Dragilev – PR That Converts