Charm Offensive – Charming SaaS Template Pack | INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD !
Welcome to ” Charming SaaS Template Pack ”
It’s finally here. A pack of charming email copy templates for SaaS business owners & marketers.
I met Aaron Krall, admin of the SaaS Growth Hacks Facebook Group not long after I started my own Facebook Group, Charm Offensive.
He complimented me on my group and gave me some advice regarding making it a success, which I followed.
In return, I gave him some of my cold email templates.
It wasn’t long before he sent me this message:
Good times
It’s taken us a while, but Aaron and I have finally decided to launch a pack of Charming Email Copy Templates for SaaS businesses.
This includes templates for:
- Getting the attention of joint venture partners with a view to selling your complimentary product.
- Start a conversation with existing users to book interviews to get feedback & success stories.
- Email users to ask why they didn’t upgrade.
- Get the attention of journalists and other influencers and get them to write stories about your platform.
- Inform customers that their credit card has been declined, and get new payment details.
- Ask users why they cancelled their account.
- A “your trial is ending please upgrade” email.
- Welcome new customers to your platform and make them smirk, smile, or laugh.
PLUS: A Special Charming Cold Email Template Pack
We are also including a selection of my most effective charming email templates.
This includes:
- Booking sales calls & meetings with even the busiest, most senior contacts.
- A Charming 5-part follow up sequence to send after your initial charming cold email pitch.
- Inviting yourself onto podcasts that your audience listens to.
- A cart abandonment email to recoup more sales.
- Booking yourself speaking engagements at key events.
- Retaining more customers with a monthly “How are we doing?” email.
- The Webinar Invite Email – A humorous, ‘non-hype’ email that convinces the recipient to register for your webinar.
- The LinkedIn Invite / Follow-Up Message Combo – A template to use for sending entertaining LinkedIn connection requests that follow-up disarming direct message.
Esmeralda Harmon –
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