Bo Eason – Your powerful personal story | INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD !
Bo Eason – Your powerful personal story
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“Imagine how having the ability to build immediate intimacy and trust could affect your life for the better…”
Many of us think we have everything we need, but the one thing we’re all lacking is deep connection. Take social media, it’s only “pretend connecting” because you don’t have any vulnerability. You don’t have anything at risk. It’s not like the scenario where the boy goes and asks the girl out on a date. That’s connection. That’s vulnerability. That’s putting your heart out there and risking it being broken.
The people we fall in love with are the ones whose heart is hanging out there.Their ability to show courage and vulnerability builds immediate intimacy and trust. Imagine how having the ability to build immediate intimacy and trust could affect your life…
Think back to the lowest moment in your life — when you looked around and there were no answers — the story you feel shame or embarrassment about, the story you do not want to tell. In that moment you either said, “Hey, I am going to fight; I am going to stay in here.” Or you quit. Those are the only two choices. That’s what we are all looking for; those turning points in life that define who you are. When you have the ability to tell that story, people will connect with you. They will trust you.
If you want to be successful in anything, you need to master the narrative of your life. All of your leadership and moneymaking ability rests in that narrative, because that is how people will connect to you. We are all looking for other human beings to connect with, and stories do that.
I’ve helped literally hundreds of people just like you uncover the turning points in their life to piece together a story worthy of applause. Everyone has had a unique path through life and if they can get clear on how that path evolved and how to share it in a compelling way, they’ll connect quickly with anyone, allowing them to be more successful in any profession and life.
Zavier Mosley –
excellent as described, fast delivery A++++ | Bo Eason – Your powerful personal story