Ben Adkins – 2019 Facebook Ads Backpack Guide Advanced – Available Now !!!
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2019 Facebook Ads Backpack Guide
(2019 Updated) The mobile entrepreneurs guide to creating, targeting, and scaling profitable Facebook Ads for your Business or your Clients.
What You’re Getting Inside:
Dr Ben Adkins’ (2019 Updated) Step-by-Step FB Ad Guide: You’ll learn how to easily navigate the Facebook Ad editor as well as how to create, target, track, and scale profitable Facebook ads for your Business.
All 5 of Dr Ben’s FB Ad “Backpack Checklists”: You’re getting Dr Ben’s easy to reference, step-by-step, checklists for each part of the training (each part detailed below). This will allow you to quickly put everything that you learn inside of the training into action… without having to go back and watch the full training.
Part 1: How to Craft a Jaw Dropping Offer in 2019: You’ll learn how to create the kinds of offers that get attention in Facebook’s crowded newsfeed (and what has changed over the last year).
Part 2: How to Create an Eye Catching Ad Creative: You’ll learn how to create ad images and ad copy that pops off the page and gets people interested in your business
Part 3: Professional Ad Targeting: You’ll Learn how to use Facebook targeting options to find your business’ hidden buyers.
Part 4: How to Setup Rock Solid Ad Tracking: You’ll learn how to know exactly which audience and which ad is actually bringing you sales and optins.
Part 5: How to Scale your Ads in 2019: You’ll get a behind the scenes look at the counterintuitive way that you need to scale your Facebook Ads (and the inside “quirks” that make it all work)
[Advanced Only] Clone this Campaign #1: Dr Ben Adkins’ “Book Funnel” and Facebook Ad Setup. (complete with Messenger Bot setup) #2: Dr Ben Adkins “Autowebinar Funnel” and Facebook Ad Setup.
[Advanced Only] Clone this Campaign #2: Dr Ben Adkins “Autowebinar Funnel” and Facebook Ad Setup.
[Advanced Only] Clone this Campaign #3: Dr Ben’ “Brick and Mortar Local Funnel Template” and FB Ad Setup.
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Nick Clarke –
Thank you very much! | Ben Adkins – 2019 Facebook Ads Backpack Guide Advanced