Adi-da – Reality is not what you think | Instant Download !
About the Author
When Adi Da Samraj was born, in New York in 1939, He was completely aware of his Divine Condition. He existed only as this Radiant State, full of Love-Bliss, and named it the “Bright”. Around the age of two years, in a spontaneous gesture of Love toward those around Him, He relinquished the enjoyment of the “Bright” and identified with the self-contracted state of ordinary beings. This initiated an unprecendented ordeal of relentless investigation into the Nature of Reality. Adi Da fully embraced and freely investigated all manner of human experience, high and low, in order to Re-Awaken to the “Bright”. And he did so in order to discover how to draw all beings to that Perfect Condition of Love-Bliss. Adi Da persisted in his unrelenting enquiry into Reality until the process fulfilled itself on September 10, 1970, when he Re-Awakenend as the “Bright”. In his Spiritual autobiography, “The Knee Of Listening”, Adi Da recounts this unique and heroic ordeal.
Following his Divine Re-Awakening, Adi Da Samraj embarked on an unprecendented teaching demonstration in which he thoroughly considered every aspect of ordinary and Spiritual life with his devotees. Adi Da’s Wisdom-Teaching emerged from this free, direct and thorough consideration, and from his Perfect Realization of the “Bright”. In the more than 35 years since he began teaching, Adi Da Samraj has communicated a vast store of Wisdom.
The crux of Adi Da’s Teaching-Argument is this: each of us already inheres in the Divine Condition of Perfect Love-Bliss however, each of us is actively presuming that we are inherently separate from this Condition, and from all others. Adi Da Reveals that this is a false presumption an illusion based on our identification with a mortal body-mind, rather than on the True and Non-Separate Divine Condition. The transcendence of this error (and all the suffering that attends it) is absolutely necessary for real and lasting Happiness.
Adi Da Reveals the way beyond this false pre
Esther Boyd –
A+ seller | Adi-da – Reality is not what you think