Adam Eason – The Science of Self-Hypnosis | Instant Download !
Adam Eason – The Science of Self-Hypnosis
Archive : Adam Eason – The Science of Self-Hypnosis
Here are some notes that Adam has put together to give some feel for the extent of his coverage of the
subject self-hypnosis in this massive programme. Some of it quite controversial and challenging –
enjoy the debate.
The rationale for evidence based self-hypnosis: why Adam insists on being evidence-based.
Demonstration of the benefits of self-hypnosis: The benefits to you are explained and supported with
research studies, they are not just anecdotal. The core mindset required to be a successful self-
hypnotist: Proof that self-hypnosis is a learnable skill that anyone can learn and anyone can get
better at with practice: Your hypnotisability is NOT set in stone.
Dispelling popular misconceptions: Presenting studies and research that dispels myths and
misconceptions that still plague this field.
Comparing self-hypnosis and hetero-hypnosis (being hypnotised by someone else): Looking at what
research shows to be the main differences.
Hypnotic skills training: A wide range of skills used by highly qualified hypnosis professionals and
academics are shared so that you can become a better, more responsive self-hypnotist.
A wide range of hypnotic inductions to use: The programme includes a very wide variety of inductions
that are supported by evidence and had many years of being field-tested and tweaked by Adam.
A depth of underlying principles to advance your skills: Understand how everything works, not just
regurgitating, you get to know “why.”
The way to derive the most benefit from your suggestions: The most effective way to employ your
How to create progressive hypnotic programs for change: How to apply the skills to vast facets of your
Methods of delivering suggestion: A number of ways to make sure you respond to the suggestions you
How to harness the ability of your imagination: Even those who think they struggle with imagination
will learn how to use it effectively.
Abandoning ideas of ‘a special trance state’: Moving away from the intangible, mysterious and
misleading explanations of hypnosis and showing how anyone can apply this skill set.
Offering up a mass of empirical evidence to support the use of self-hypnosis:
Showing that we have proper, peer reviewed evidence to support our learning.
Historical precursors and context of modern self-hypnosis: Learning how the field developed and where
it’s roots lie and seeing that self-hypnosis has been around and in our lives for a long time.
The refuting of the notion of the Unconscious Mind: There is no such thing as the unconscious mind.
Celebrating critical thinking: how to develop criticial thinking skills.
Learning to use intelligent reasoning: Not relying on gut feelings or instincts.
The cognitive behavioural conceptualisation and approach to self-hypnosis:
Understanding the nonstate, evidence supported model of self-hypnosis.
Learning a wide range of convincers: We don’t just teach theory. You get to prove and demonstrate your
skills with some convincers that give you proof of what you can do.
Couéism: The full approach explained by the many considered by many to be the “Father of Self-Help.”
Structured, specific protocol for using self-hypnosis: An easy, step-by-step protocol for you to
follow in order to apply self-hypnosis with ease
Blake Mcintosh –
Great seller would buy from again!!! AAA+++ | Adam Eason – The Science of Self-Hypnosis