6-Figures From Purpose: How to Become a Money-Making Business Coach with Heart | Instant Download !
Do your clients that tell you they feel like it’s “not possible” to scale to six figures or more without selling out or doing things they don’t love?
Do they feel like everywhere they turn, they’re getting hit with business advice that just doesn’t quite jibe with what’s in their gut?
Or even worse, maybe all that noise has kept them on the sidelines, wondering if they’re just not cut out for this business coach gig at all. Eek.
Sound familiar?
See, they know kind-hearted coaches can make big bucks on the Interwebz.
But as far as how THEY can make it happen for THEMSELVES–without LOSING themselves (and not in the fun, rap-battling-Eminem way)–they’re not quite sure.
Can they really be their full, heart-centered self and have a full bank account, too?
Here’s a not-so-little secret: THEY are just as capable of hitting the six figure mark as ANY of those other business coaches on Instagram.
They already have the business skills (or they wouldn’t be teaching business to their clients).
They already have the grit, grind and motivation required by serious entrepreneurs.
The only thing they don’t have? Is the confidence to keep authentically doing things their way and making money, too.
It’s Time to Strip Away the Beliefs & “Bad Advice” Keeping Them Stuck and Broke!
If your clients are ready to forget all the rules and rewrite their own…
If they’re ready to tune into themselves and tune out all the (albeit, well-meaning) noise…
And if they’re ready to finally make six figures (or way more!) without feeling icky, sleazy, slimy or untrue to them…
…you’re in the right place.
- 4 Course Lessons (33 pages, 12,598 words)
- Lesson 1: Releasing Fear & Owning Your Desires
- Lesson 2: Creating Aligned Offers
- Lesson 3: Unleash Content that Attracts Soulmate Clients
- Lesson 4: Unapologetic Selling
- Course Workbook with Worksheets, Exercises, and Checklists: “6-Figures From Purpose: How to Become a Money-Making Business Coach with Heart” (46 pages)
- Facebook Livestream Theme Script: “5 Sneaky Little Lies Heart-Centered Coaches Believe About Creating a 6-Figure Business” (16 pages) that you can read word for word.
- Facebook Livestream Launch Copy for your live or webinar that you can copy + paste to your own sign up page.
- Sales Page Copy to Help You Sell Your Course
- 10 Social Media Posts to Promote Your Course on Facebook & Twitter
- 5 Blog Posts to Promote Your Course
- Want to be Successful? Form These 5 New Habits (628 words)
- Boost Your Efficiency and Productivity with a Morning Routine (723 words)
- 5 Customer Service Tips That Will Win You Customers for Life (608 words)
- How To Utilize Affiliate Marketing in Your Coaching Business (813 words)
- 5 Tips for Setting Up Your Business to Earn 6 Figures (643 words)
- 5 Email Templates to Make Promoting Your Livestream & Course a Breeze
- You’ll Get these 2 Emails to Invite People to Your Free Facebook Live or Webinar Training:
- Are you sabotaging your business? (184 words)
- Do you fall into the Comparison Trap? You’re not alone… (288 words)
- You’ll Get these 2 Emails to Sell Your Course:
- Learn to LOVE Your Business Again… (307 words)
- Your Six-Figure Income IS Possible! (192 words)
- You’ll Get this Email to Announce the Cart Close for Your Course:
- LAST CHANCE to buy How to Become a Money-Making Business Coach with Heart (188 words)
- You’ll Get these 2 Emails to Invite People to Your Free Facebook Live or Webinar Training:
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