Understanding the Needs of the Dying: Bringing Hope, Comfort and Love to Life’s Final Chapter – David Kessler | Instant Download !
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Featuring David Kessler
Renowned End-of-Life Expert, Author Featured on “Dr. Oz”, “Oprah & Friends”, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, PBS, People Magazine, “Entertainment Tonight”, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times
David Kessler, best-selling author, collaborator with the legendary Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, and well-known expert on palliative care, hospice and end-of-life issues will provide you the newest information on death, grief and deathbed phenomena … real, tested, engaging information you will not find anywhere else.
Delve deeper into the mysteries of life and death exploring key topics
- New studies on deathbed visions, and the role they play in end-of-life care
- Tools for sensitivity and discretion for balancing wishes of the dying and family with medical, ethical and legal considerations
- Communication strategies for necessary difficult and emotion conversations
- Deeper insight on how anticipatory grief shapes end-of-life experiences
- Understand why children are often the forgotten grievers, and how to help
- Cultural differences and new sensitivity to care
- Assisted suicide
It’s guaranteed to be a seminar that will enhance your work as a caregiver and David will provide so much insight, tools, strategies and inspiring information, you’ll look forward to the next day at your work … so you can immediately begin to use all you have learned.
- Identify common needs of the dying and ways to meet across many health care settings
- Discover ways to discuss end of life issues while allowing miracles and hope
- Identify the differences and commonalities of palliative and hospice care models
- Define anticipatory grief and how it shapes the end of life experience for patients and families
- Gain tools and techniques to manage our own reactions to loss in the workplace
- Interpret and resolve conflict regarding advance directives and code status
- Describe tools to help children cope with a love one dying
- Identify common characteristics of deathbed visions and normalize them for families
- Prepare techniques for running a successful family conference
- Define how fears about pain addiction can play a role in family dynamics at the end of life
- Outline the role of spirituality and its role in the last years of life
Signs of Impending Death
- Preparing family for physical changes
- Interventions for coping with emotional changes in the family
- Using near death awareness as a predictor in clinical settings
Palliative Care Model
- Academic settings vs community
- Physician led vs non physician led
- Roles of physician, nurse, social worker, case manager, discharge planner, clergy
- What’s best – hospital, home health, hospice, skilled nursing facility
- Joint commission certification
- Removing barriers
- How hospice can increase length of stay while decreasing hospital time
- Bereavement services to enhance community partnerships
Death Related Sensory Experiences (Death Bed Visions)
- Effective and ineffective models for family coping and integration
- Religion in patients’ deathbed visions
- Using the law to normalize the dying experience
- Clinical/palliative care studies, research of near death awareness
Advance Directives
- Physician order for life-sustaining treatment
- Make advance directives useful and medically effective
- D.N.R. (do not resuscitate) vs. A.N.D. (allow natural death)
- Code status and impact on the grieving process
Anticipatory Grief
- Treatment strategies for hospice, palliative care and mental health care professionals
- Tools for normalizing
Helping the Dying Patient’s Children
- How the media shapes a child’s view of death
- Tools for preparing a child for loss
- Interventions for coping with funerals
- Why children are often the forgotten grievers and how to help
The Ethics Committee and End of Life
- How and when to use your ethics committee
- How and why members of the end of life team can participate
- Techniques for helping families get the most out of the ethics meetings
- Avoid the common pitfalls of ethics committees at the end of life
Hope and Miracles
- How to help families integrate desire for miracles at the end of life
- Techniques for honoring hope without fostering denial
Cultural Differences
- Affecting care of the dying
- Tools for successfully bridging the gap with healthcare providers and families
The Question of Assisted Suicide
- Understanding the current debate
- The realities of withdrawing care vs. assisted suicide
- Learn techniques for addressing patient’s requests for assisted suicide within the facilities and health care provider’s beliefs system
Tag: Understanding the Needs of the Dying: Bringing Hope, Comfort and Love to Life’s Final Chapter – David Kessler Review. Understanding the Needs of the Dying: Bringing Hope, Comfort and Love to Life’s Final Chapter – David Kessler download. Understanding the Needs of the Dying: Bringing Hope, Comfort and Love to Life’s Final Chapter – David Kessler discount.
Reagan Ashley –
Great Seller! Highly Recommended! | Understanding the Needs of the Dying: Bringing Hope, Comfort and Love to Life’s Final Chapter – David Kessler