Treating Chronic Pain: Proven Behavioral Tools – Martha Teater | Instant Download !
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Do you have clients who describe their chronic pain like, “My back is KILLING me” or, “I just want my life back”? They want a life that isn’t controlled by pain…before it limited their activity, interfered with their sleep, and prompted the use – possibly overuse – of medications. Living with pain and leaning on pain medication to treat it has become a devastating public health crisis that is ruining individual’s lives, tearing up families, and ripping through communities, yet most of us are ill-prepared to address this with skill and expertise. We must arm ourselves with the tools needed to offer our clients evidence-based interventions that will help them live healthy and productive lives.
Watch this cutting-edge recording featuring Martha Teater, MA, LMFT, LCAS, LPC, and finally get the answers you need to understand pain. Discover a 10-session treatment plan with step-by-step instructions you can use tomorrow. You will leave with the skills and confidence you need to provide practical and life changing help to move people out of chronic pain and into active, healthy, and meaningful lives.
Cael Cameron –
THANK YOU | Treating Chronic Pain: Proven Behavioral Tools – Martha Teater