Trauma, PTSD & Complicated Grief: Effective Assessments and Immediate Interventions for Children, Adolescents and Adults – Michael Prokop | Instant Download !
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Complete this recording and learn new clinical skills, interventions, and principles to help your clients cope with the challenges of recovering from trauma. Throughout the recording trauma specialist, Michael S. Prokop, will discuss and integrate the “active ingredients” for “healing trauma” as they are utilized within the Three Stage Consensus Model. Watch and be able to:
- Use dozens of practical assessment, diagnosis and intervention strategies
- Effectively work with children, adolescents and adults dealing with trauma issues
- Implement multisensory interventions to treat the whole person
You will be able to implement evidence-based treatment protocols for establishing safety, desensitizing and reprocessing trauma memories, as well as, resolving/reprocessing complicated grief. With these new skills, you will be able to assist your clients in their journey as they “restructure a victim mentality to form a proactive survivor identity”. With this new identity, you will be able to help clients reconnect to self, family, society and dreams!
- Illustrate the effects of trauma on the structure and function of the brain.
- Determine the etiology and potential impact of traumatic stress on the client utilizing multiple assessment strategies.
- Develop an assessment plan for a client’s reaction to a traumatic event and develop a viable treatment program.
- Analyze how grief, bereavement, and mourning are accounted for in the DSM-5®.
- Integrate interventions to assist a client in dealing with the biopsychosocial manifestations of trauma, PTSD, and traumatic grief/complicated mourning.
- Discover appropriate evidence-based interventions to assist a client in coping with the physical and psychosocial-spiritual manifestations of trauma.
Get Trauma, PTSD & Complicated Grief: Effective Assessments and Immediate Interventions for Children, Adolescents and Adults of author Michael Prokop
- Concepts & Definitions
- A historical perspective of trauma
- Stress vs. trauma: Two states, two responses
- The creation of trauma, reactive adaptations, traumagenesis
- Small “t” and Big “T” trauma
- High-risk characteristics
- Pre-natal
- Early life trauma
- ”On Going” vs. “Single Event” trauma
The Traumatized Brain
- Neurobiology and Tribunal Brain Model
- Activation and hyper-arousal of threat response system
- The sensitized brain through conditioned traumatic cues
- Dissociation and the importance of freeze discharge
- Neuroception, bodily reactions and biological changes
Trauma and Stress-Related Disorders (DSM-5®)
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- 0-6 child definitions of PTSD
- Reactive Attachment Disorders
- Acute Stress disorders
- Adjustment disorders
- Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
Trauma and Working with Children and Adolescents: The Developing Brain, Body, and Mind
- Best practices and innovative tools for assessment
- Subjective imprints of trauma
- Innovative tools for trauma resiliency
- Trauma-Focused CBT for Children
- Eight brain-based interventions to use immediately
- Rapport, hope and empathy during the first session and thereafter
Trauma, Loss, and Complicated Grief
- Grief, bereavement and mourning
- How trauma “freezes” the normal grieving process
- Signs of complicated/traumatic grief
- Factors contributing to complexities in grief
- Grief, bereavement in DSM-5® and viable treatment implications
Healing Trauma: Three Active Ingredients
- Therapeutic Relationships – hope, safety, and calming presence
- Relaxation – reciprocal inhibition, parasympathetic dominance
- Narrative – developing “new” narrative to “transform” memories
Immediate Interventions: The Three-Stage Consensus Model
- Safety/Stabilization
- The Therapeutic Alliance
- Felt safe vs real safe
- Resolution of impeding environment
- Amelioration of self-destructive thoughts
- Restructuring victim mentality to proactive survivor identity
- Stabilization, self-regulation, relaxation, grounding & containment
- Mindfulness, yoga, recovery resources and holistic strategies
- Reprocessing/Resolution
- Narrative and Metabolization of Traumatic Memory
- Mindfulness informed interventions
- Guided Imagery and Systematic Desensitization
- Somatic and focusing interventions
- Forgiveness and gratitude work
- Reintegration/Reconciliation
- Reconnection to self, family, society and hopes/dreams
- Resiliency skills training
Get Trauma, PTSD & Complicated Grief: Effective Assessments and Immediate Interventions for Children, Adolescents and Adults of author Michael Prokop
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