Uncover The Simple & Easy Dieting & Fitness System Tom DeBlass & Dozens of His Students Have Used To Become One Of The Most Fit Teams In BJJ. You’ll Never Feel Hungry & You’ll Only Work Out For 3 “Easy” 15 Minute Workouts Per Week
Tom DeBlass is one of the most trusted & highly regarded figures in BJJ. He has won the ADCC Trials 3x as a competitor, he has won the No Gi Worlds at Black Belt Masters, and he has had monumental back and forth super fights with some of the best no gi warriors on the planet; guys like Joao Assis & Roberto “Cyborg” Abreu.. He has a thriving school with over 300 students in New Jersey which some of the best fighters in the planet travel to -in order to train with him and seek his counsel. In addition he coaches one of the best teams in the country, his seminar schedule is booked 2 years out and he is unmatched in performing the job he cares most about by a mile – being a wonderful husband and a great dad to his 2 small children.
While we are sure about all of the information we listed above – it can be verified just by looking through his Instagram posts – the only question we aren’t sure of is whether Tom actually owns a shirt 🙂 – Haha, he certainly does, but he doesn’t wear them much when he takes his kids to the beach, pool, or water park or if he’s training no gi – which is his specialty. He’s proud of how he looks and he should be – he’s absolutely jacked at 35 yrs old, he has abs and he has the body that most any 30s, 40s or 50s year old father would kill to have.
We Weren’t All Created Equal
When it comes to metabolizing food, some people can just do it much better than others. Well Tom DeBlass isn’t one of those guys. When he was a UFC and Bellator competitor he would work out 6-8 hours a day, eat like a monk and kill himself cut 30 lbs to cut 30-40 lbs to make weight and while he looked good – you wouldn’t have been sure that he was a professional athlete- he had the kind of body that gets fat just looking at food – the kind of body that blows up to 280 lbs within retiring from MMA. This might be the type of body that you have.
Tom’s Before – While He Was In The UFC Working Out 8 HRS A Day – 40 lbs Below His Current Weight
Toms After – Working Out 45 Minutes To An Hour A Week and 40 lbs More
Fast forward nearly a decade and Tom is retired from MMA, he works out 45 minutes to an hour a week (total time in the gym over 3 workouts a week including rest periods – not each workout) – . He walks around now 40 lbs heavier than his mma weight but he looks better than he did – much better. He has the body virtually any dad would want aside from the bodybuilders who are (ahem) much more aggressive with their supplements and live ridiculously rigid and unenjoyable lifestyles.
Tom is never hungry, doesn’t work out with weight that much, runs a 300+ person school, can’t prepare elaborate meals with his kids jumping all over him, and is in and out of airports all the time traveling to seminars. How the hell is he so fit with bulging muscles and abs without being genetically gifted and having all of these time constraints?
Tom Has An Amazing System – Tom is a bright guy – he had a learning disability growing up and he decided to go to college to help kids overcome their disabilities just as he had. Before becoming a Grappling and MMA star his job was teaching special education classes. He’s not a quick learner, so he needs to go deep into subjects to learn them. But once he’s studied much deeper than many ever would, he has a deeper knowledge than most anyone else. He learned what his enemy was – carb addiction.
Unless You Learn To Hack Your Hunger: Yours Will Too Most people can manage their hunger – for about 30 minutes, then they cave. The tougher ones can last half a day and a toughest ones can last a day or two. While some of these people are weak and some are very strong, know what they have in common? THEY ALL FAIL!
Tom decided to combat this problem by never being hungry. If you rely on your self discipline to beat hunger – you’re gonna lose. It keeps chipping away at you until you are so unhappy losing weight that you’d rather be fat.. Never fight your toughest battles.. tom wakes up everyday and has the same thing / it takes almost no time to prepare and it fills him up until noon or so before he starts thinking about lunch.
There are some hacks to make this system so easy, enjoyable and effective:
-Supplements- taking the right ones in the right combination is essential: Tom’s system, if you follow it to the letter – will curb your hunger, allow you to think clearer, and burn fat off your body like a furnace
-Hunger curbing foods – eaten or drank in the right combination – if you do this right your hunger goes away and you lose weight like magic
-The Easiest & Most Effective Fitness System In The World
If you’ve tried a fitness regimen and you’ve failed Tom knows why… and he’s almost always right – remember he coaches normal people to do extraordinary things for a living. The problem: you’re over training. You might think you aren’t but you probably are. Here is Tom’s test to see if you are overtraining:
-do you ever grunt or strain to get up your last rep or even fail on the last rep?
Do you walk out of the gym worn out, unable to do much more?
Do you feel sore the day after a workout?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above you my friend are overtraining. Tom has studied a ton about lifting weights (he’s from the Jersey Shore, lifting weights is a rite of passage there) and some of the material he’s studied from the most respected Russian coaches resonated the most with him. The Russian coaches he’s studied Never lift to failure – they leave at least 3-4 reps unperformed Always feel better at the end of a workout then they do at the beginning Have very brief workouts
They key here is consistency, not individual workout heroics. Tom can do over 100 push-ups if there is a contest with money on the table, but his workouts consist of a steady 10-15 push-ups that he could hold a conversation through. He doesn’t need any more to reach his goals. Less is more. Now there are some lifting formulas that require more exertion – if you are looking to get shredded to compete on stage as a body builder you’ll need hours long workouts every day with 8 sets of 8 reps on every body part or if you want to become a power lifter you’ll need low reps with painfully heavy weights with very long rest periods. Well if you do those types of workouts,
-say goodbye to BJJ : you’ll be too tired, don’t even bother
– put lots of strain on any significant relationships you have likely be bored to tears from all that time picking up weights and putting them down
Now Tom brought this 2 part System to his students and the results have been nothing short of amazing.
“My name is Jim. I’m 37 years old. One year ago, I weighed 260 pounds. I began taking classes at OCBJJ. I trained hard and followed the simple effective program reccomended by Tom DeBlass. Today I’m in the best shape of my life at 198 pounds and feel great. I highly recommend Tom’s program to everyone.”
“As someone who has personally benefited from Tom DeBlass’ fitness and diet advice, having lost nearly 50lbs, 6 inches from my waist and one whole Gi size, I am extremely excited to see him sharing his vast knowledge with the world. His advice is clear, easy to follow, and is focused on fueling the body, not starving it. By following the simple principles of his system, ANYONE can achieve their desired fitness goals.”
So what does Tom DeBlass’ Ripped In 12 Weeks – The Never Hungry, Intermittent Fasting Routine & Easy Bodyweight Exercise Plan That Will Change Your Body & Life include?
Tom’s Full Diet Program in Ebook form:
-cooking and lecture videos where Tom and his personal chef (name) take you through the ins and outs of several staple meals for him. How to cook them, what is in them, why he eats them..
-diet program – logs so you can map out meals for each time slot, each day:
Example From Tom’s Program
Low Calorie, Low Carb Days Day 1
Meal 1: immediately after exercise
• 3 fists of vegetables
• 100 grams of whey protein
• 1/2 handful of legumes
• 1/2 handful of raw nuts
• 2 cups of water
Meal 2: about 3 hours later
• 75 grams of whey protein
• 3 fists of vegetables
• 1/2 handful of legumes
• 1/2 handful of raw nuts
• 2 cups of water
Meal 3: about 4 hours later
• 50 grams of whey protein
• 2 fists of vegetables
• 1/2 handful of raw nuts
• 2 cups of water Daily supplements:
• 10 g BCAA capsules before workouts
• 1 tablespoon fish oil
• 1 multi-vitamin
• 4000 IU vitamin D
High Calorie, High Carb Days Day 1
Meal 1: immediately after exercise
• 100 grams of whey protein
• 3 fists of vegetables
• 2 fists of starchy carbohydrate (about 100 g carbohydrate)
• 1/2 handful of legumes
• 1/2 handful of raw nuts
• 2 cups of water
Meal 2: about 3 hours later
• 75 grams of whey protein
• 3 fists of vegetables
• 1 fist of starchy carbohydrate (about 50 g carbohydrate)
• 1/2 handful of legumes
• 1/2 handful of raw nuts
• 2 cups of water
Meal 3: about 4 hours later
• 50 grams of whey protein
• 2 fists of vegetables
• 1 fist of starchy carbohydrate (about 50 g carbohydrate)
• 1/2 handful of raw nuts
• 2 cups of water Daily supplements:
• 10 g BCAA capsules before workouts
• 1 tablespoon fish oil
• 1 multi-vitamin
• 4000 IU vitamin D
-supplement guide and program meal plan
– by day, meal by meal for 12 weeks
– recipe guide: 100 for each meal that are easy to prepare and will keep you on track
-Workout Guide (description) Tom’s full workout program illustrated with pictures for each exercise:
Workout videos – tom will teach you to do every workout technique and share his philosophy on all exercises that he does:
Community & Accountability program – upon joining you will receive a 3 month membership to a private Facebook group where you can interact with like minded bjj members who are on the weight loss journey with you, and tom and his fitness coaches will be in there often, and attempt to answer any question you may have.
This last piece may be the most important one. Having like minded people along a journey to encourage you and hold you accountable to improve yourself is why most of us live BJJ. The ones who don’t have a support system rely on their family and friends and they usually fail. tom wants you to succeed – period.
Guarantee: we are so sure this is the best program on the market that we guarantee that you will lose the weight you want or your money back. All we ask is that you make an honest effort. If you are having trouble seek some help in the group – tom is there to help you succeed just as he has helped son many of his students…
Limited quantity – being too heavy is still the biggest problem in BJJ and to make this program work we will need to give each student in the group the right amount of attention – we have to keep membership down if it’s going to be effective – it will undoubtedly sell out quick
Chaya Nash –