Tiffany aka Coach Glitter – Lights Camera Branding | INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD !
Get Tiffany aka Coach Glitter – Lights Camera Branding right now!
Let’s face it. Live Video is KEY to building your business, growing your brand and having a mega-successful launch!
You see other people using it to gain massive momentum, and it’s starting to bug you that you haven’t yet made it work for YOU! You’ve got a vision for your brand in your head. It’s clear in your heart, yet it’s not translating on camera. Somehow, the final product doesn’t look like you thought it would – or the angle isn’t quite right – or the lighting’s unflattering – or your voice is shaking from the nerves! NO FUN!!!
When You Show Up As Your BEST and TRUE Self on Live Video, The Possibilities for Biz Growth Multiply!
What if you were able to reach more people while you share your authentic message? What if you could CONNECT with thousands of potential clients every single day, in real time?! How would your business grow and expand if you built RELATIONSHIPS with these peeps? Showing up consistently and genuinely to solve their biggest problems?!
Imagine the possibilities when you have the brand strategy, content creation, set design, makeup tutorials and coaching pieces in place to create the brand story you were born to tell. You’ve got a BIG purpose my friend! You’re already working like CRAZY to spread your message. There’s this fire down deep inside you and you just know you were meant for something more. Something bigger. YOU WERE MEANT TO CREATE SOMETHING AMAZING AND SHARE IT WITH THE WHOLE WORLD!
I’ve seen too many businesses struggle with video and then stop short of a breakthrough. I am done letting people give up on their dreams because they couldn’t make video work for them (and especially live video which can actually propel you forward faster than anything else you could possibly do right now!)
You’re not going to struggle with video anymore. You’re going to create a brand, set, strategy, and content you’re proud to show off. Content that gets you noticed by influencers. Content that makes you an influencer in your space. Because if they can do it, so can you.
That’s Why I Created…
Lights Camera Branding is a Complete SYSTEM that will transform your Personal Brand and dramatically up level the way you look and feel on camera, whether you’re doing live videos, recorded videos, or even creating your own course!
Hi There! My name is Tiffany Lee Bymaster aka Coach Glitter and yes! I totally answer to that! Inside LCB, you’ll gain access to my 18+ years of experience in video production working in film, TV, and commercials (seriously, I’ve worked on major network shows including America’s Next Top Model, The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, Real Housewives of OC, CNN and Fox). I’m also giving you EVERYTHING i’ve learned by working behind the scenes with some of the TOP Personal Brands and online marketers like Chalene Johnson. More than that, though, I’m MOST PROUD of my work in coaching THOUSANDS of entrepreneurs and helping them up level their businesses. Lights Camera Branding beaks all my top-level techniques down into actionable baby steps that you can begin taking TODAY to get major RESULTS! xoxo! Coach Glitter
I’m about action. Steps you can implement.
I’m not here to take up your valuable time with silly fluff! Fluff is not going to get you results & I am so not about that life!
What gets you results is implementing, simple action steps packed with strategy behind everything you do, and the accountability to get it done.
That’s what you’ll get inside Lights Camera Branding! No fluff. No bs.
I’ve created this program to HOLD YOUR FEET TO THE FIRE so you get stuff done!
Get Tiffany aka Coach Glitter – Lights Camera Branding on right now!
Here’s How It Works!
Once You enroll in Lights Camera Branding, you’ll be part of an EXCLUSIVE online experience including:
Brand Strategy
Content Creation
Home/Office Set Design
Makeup Tutorials
Beauty Lighting
Mic and Sound Instruction
Community of like minded, positive entrepreneurs
Weekly Live Video Training & Q&A’s
Group Coaching Support
Wardrobe Tips for Video
Using 3rd party Software to Go Live
How to pre-schedule live videos
How to Conduct Dual Broadcasts
Motivation, Inspiration and accountibility to keep you going!
PLUS you’ll get all this instruction inside a community of like-minded, positive entrepeneurs (DID YOU KNOW that you’re 95% more likely to accomplish your goalsif you have accountability?!)!!
Lights Camera Branding consists of the 3 C’s: the Community + Course + Coaching.
We aren’t just DREAMERS. We are a Powerful Community of DOERS!
If you’re a Heart-Centered, Creative, Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur, Blogger or Online Marketer, this COMMUNITY is for you!
Our Motto?
Here’s What You’ll Get Inside Lights Camera Branding!
Your “AHA!” Brand Plan! Discover how to NAIL down your personal or lifestyle brand. I call this the “AHA! brand plan because it’s been a total game changer for thousands of students!
Creating highly-converting content! You’ll learn my system on how to create totally captivating content week after week.
Clarity Creates CONFIDENCE! As you gain clarity around your brand, you’ll grow your confidence muscles and increase your reach so those ideal clients will be more likely to see and buy from you!
Get other products by Tiffany aka Coach Glitter right now!
We talk equipment! There are so many options out there that it’s easy to feel overwhelmed! Let me eliminate the confusion once and for all so you invest in the right equipment the first time around!
Weigh those Pros & avoid those cons! I’ll demonstrate everything you need to know BEFORE you invest in your lighting, sound, and set solutions!
Angles, baby! Find your most flattering angles so you’ll look your absolute PERSONAL BEST on camera. Because let’s be real, when you love how you look, you’ll create more videos!
Visual Branding Matters! What you learn in this module will be a GAME CHANGER for your brand and business! You’ll learn tips and techniques that will help you improve your overall brand image, reputation and messaging!
Next-level Knowledge! Showing up consistently is one thing – but having a consistent brand image that shows off your personality AND looks professional is what propels you to next-level status. This is exactly what the big brands do, and it’s what you’ll do, too, once you’ve been through this module!
And Now, We Build! You’ll learn how to “scout” for the best location in your home or office and how to turn that location into a set that looks flawless on camera!
Plus the “Faux Backdrop Hack” – you’ve got to see this to believe it! And best of all, it’s simply & easy! You don’t have to be Joanna Gaines to create this!
MakeUp For Video! Whether you’re into makeup or not, I’ll show you the simple, doable tricks of the trade EVERYONE (yes, the guys too!!) must know when it comes to looking their personal best on video. Each detailed, step-by-step video will walk you through exactly what I do for my personal clients when i’m working on professional sets!
What not to wear. Learn these critical Wardrobe Do’s & Don’ts specifically for video so your outfit ENHANCES, instead of distracts from your all important message!
Avoid those Wardrobe Malfunctions! This lesson will save you tons of time – I can’t tell you how many people have had to re-film content because of wardrobe issues. But NOT you! You’ll get it right from the get-go and learn my best tricks of the trade!
This is NOT a DIY, go at it alone course! I’ll be right beside you for 6 Full Weeks of Group Coaching along with my amazing, hand-picked team of Group Leaders who are all Lights Camera Branding Alumni! And afterwards, you’ll get LIFETIME Access to the Online Course Plus support from the Alumni Community!
NOTE: I only take on a small number of One-on-One coaching clients and all of my private mentoring programs are currently closed. Lights Camera Branding is your ONE opportunity to get access to my Group Coaching that will take your business to a whole new level! You will get IMMEDIATE access to the Private Facebook Coaching Group! Our official calls begin on Monday, October 23rd, 2017. We start together and we finish STRONG together.
There is a transformation waiting to happen. YOU have the power to make anything you want happen! GO FOR IT!
Exclusive Bonus Trainings with Guest Experts -These three bonus trainings will provide you with valuable insights to take further action, grow your business, enhance your live videos and it’s applicable to so many other social media platforms whether you’re a blogger, vlogger, Instagram Stories user & more!
Bonus #1 – Profitable Facebook Groups ($500 Value!) with Caitlin Bacher
Bonus #2 – Facebook Ads, To Boost or Not to Boost ($500 Value!) with Rachel McMichael
Bonus #3 – Creating Great Graphics ($500 Value!) with Chris Beltran
Bonus #4 – Creating Captivating Copy ($500 Value!) with Sara Anna Powers
Bonus Beauty Tutorials ($500 Value!)
Step-by-step makeup tutorials to help you become more confident with how you present yourself not just on video but in real life, on stage if you’re a speaker and for all your social media photos that you share
Course Bonus Module #1 Expert Interviews, “Stumbling Towards Your Greatness” ($500 Value!)
Tiffany interviews four of her fellow entrepreneur friends who are making huge strides in each of their diverse online brands. They share their very real stories of how they didn’t give up in the beginning, worked though the struggles and have created the business and life of their dreams. These interviews are beyond just inspiration and motivation. It’s real life stories of how we can all reach our goals!
Course Bonus Module #2 ($500 Value!)
In this jam-packed bonus module, you’ll find inspiring stories from LCB Alumni about how video changed their business including behind the scenes sneak peeks at several home/office filming sets to give you tons of ideas and inspiration!
LCB Private Alumni Community Group ($$ PRICELESS)
After the 6 weeks of group coaching time, it’s NOT over. Not by a long shot! You’ll become a part of the amazing Alumni group who will welcome you in so that you’ll always stay connected with like-minded, positive, go-getters who truly understand what it’s like to build a business and brand in the online space. NEVER feel like a “Lonely Solopreneur” again! You will be a part of a close-knit safe community where you can continue to share your wins, have a resource for your social media questions and have the accountability to continue building and growing!
That’s over $5,000 in Bonuses!
Lilyana Brown –
Great Seller to work with. Thank you so much. | Tiffany aka Coach Glitter – Lights Camera Branding