The “Wow” Factor: The New Ways Clinicians Can Use Awe and Gratitude in Therapy – Jonah Paquette | INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD !
The events of recent weeks have shaken many of us to the core. With our world turned upside down seemingly overnight, it’s become all too easy to become paralyzed with anxiety, stress, and uncertainty. And with the news and social media amplifying each and every twist and turn of the current crisis, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with fear and anxiety.
While these reactions are normal given our present circumstances, we can regain balance and find greater peace through the cultivation of awe, wonder, and gratitude in our daily lives. By learning to savor the good amidst the difficulties, and by opening ourselves up to moments of awe and wonder, we can calm our nervous system and foster feelings of peace, and connectedness.
This recording, led by positive psychologist and author Jonah Paquette, will explore how the principles of awe and gratitude can combine to offer us a powerful approach to healing, even amidst challenging times.
Viviana Spears –
Everything‘s good | The “Wow” Factor: The New Ways Clinicians Can Use Awe and Gratitude in Therapy – Jonah Paquette