The Ultimate Hands-On Wound Care Clinical Lab – Joan Junkin | Instant Download !
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- Staging wounds & identifying tissue types
- Wound characteristics, indications & cost considerations for product selection
- Accurate measuring techniques
- Practical wound treatment strategies – for your most difficult wounds
- Actual wound models and sample products to practice new skills!
In healthcare facilities across the country, billions of dollars are being spent annually on skin care and wound management. You are on the front lines of providing care to patients with a variety of skin and wound conditions, and play a critical role in patient outcomes and your facility’s bottom line. There is no better way to learn new problem solving skills than through this Hands-On Clinical Lab. Attend this highly interactive seminar and learn wound care assessment skills by DOING!
Wound care educator and consultant, Joan Junkin, MSN, CNS, will teach you new strategies for wound assessment and interventions, using wound care teaching models and sample products. The Hands-On Clinical Lab will add a live, hands-on component to learning that will enhance your retention of skills and techniques covered. Practice identification, measurement and the applications of various products on realistic wound care models. These models provide a life-like simulation to allow for improved assessment and treatment of a wide variety of wound care presentations, including all stages of pressure ulcers, tissue types, undermining, tunneling, fissure and surgical dehiscence. Take your understanding of wound care to the next level with this hands-on, interactive clinical lab. Register today – space is limited!
Landen Hurley –
Thanks | The Ultimate Hands-On Wound Care Clinical Lab – Joan Junkin