THE LAZY TRADER – Available Now !!!
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Did you know that The Lazy Trader:
- Has battle-tested strategies that work in all markets and across all asset classes
- Has a rating of 4.7 out of 5 on the independently verified Forex Peace Army review site
- All of their courses are accredited by the CPD
- The trading team has a collective experience of 50 years trading financial markets
- Has been featured in over 287 publications globally
- Has presented to sell-out audiences in London, Singapore, Cape Town, and Johannesburg
- All offerings come with an iron-clad money back guarantee
Your opportunity to discover
The Groundbreaking Formula for Success
- Join the Lazy Trader and see why he’s the person you want guiding you in your trading.
- He knows from experience there is no silver bullet.
- He’s learned his lessons from the school of hard knocks.
Getting Behind the
Truth of The Lazy Trader’s Success
- How you no longer need to be chained to the desk or glued to the screen
- Yes! Really from as little as ten minutes a day
- Explode your misconceptions about trading and arm yourself against myth and misconception
- Separate yourself from 90% of traders who empty their accounts in 90 days
- Liberate yourself from the stomach-churning drama of losses and wins
- Finally control your risk and stop giving away your gains and even bigger loses
- Transform what is experienced by many as stressful and expensive folly, into a carefree & profitable hobby
The Lazy Trader has helped thousands of time-strapped private traders transform what is often experienced as highly stressful, time-consuming, costly mistake into a profitable, carefree and relaxing hobby…
- Your money working as your slave – not you as the slave
- Set-and-forget strategies that work in all markets
- Our simple strategies work effectively on all asset classes (FX, stocks, commodities and beyond!)
- Why students, lawyers, doctors and stay at home Mums make great traders
- How you can confidently view financial markets through the lens of The Lazy Trader
- Why this is one of the tools that really lets you smash the time = money link
- How you no longer need to be chained to the desk or glued to the screen
- Yes! Really from as little as ten minutes a day
- Explode your misconceptions about trading and arm yourself against myth and misconception
- Separate yourself from the 90% of traders who empty their accounts in 90 days
- Liberate yourself from the stomach-churning drama of losses and wins
- Finally control your risk and stop giving away your gains and put an end to even bigger losses
Why should you listen to me?
You don’t HAVE to, but Here’s why you might want to!
Several short and painful years ago, I was just like you. Except probably far, far worse! I wasn’t just a foolhardy rookie who was new to trading; I was a loss making failure with a capital ‘F’! Yes, I thought I could get rich quick trading from some ivory white sand-swept beach. Yes, I thought trading was easy money and all I had to do was turn up and turn on the tap. And Yes, with zero experience.
But instead, I actually hacked my account to death with what may as well have been a blunt axe as I went through the gut-wrenching, eye-watering, pulse-pounding emotions of losing money time and again… I arrogantly thought I could master the markets on my own.
At that point, I didn’t know what a broker recently told me off the record – that 90% of his clients lose 90% of their money in 90 days.
Face it;
the odds don’t look great for the have-a-go-at-home-heroes in the markets. But it doesn’t have to be like that for you. That was then, this is now.
Today I’m Rob Colville, owner of The Lazy Trader brand and a successful fund level trader who makes money from trading from as little as ten minutes a day, using The Lazy Trader’s signature set-and-forget strategies which work on all asset classes and in all markets!
I don’t claim to be anything special. This is not about me. It’s about a style of trading that can make an impressive return on your trading account from trading just minutes a day.
Yes, I’ve tried pretty much every trading strategy on the planet and – yes – most of them are complete and utter garbage. I just happened to stick at it through the darker days long enough to crack the code.
Now you get to benefit from the 3 years I laboured in the salt mines, learning to trade only 10 – 20 minutes a day…and how you can, too!
The Lazy Trader has helped thousands of time-strapped private traders transform what is often experienced as highly stressful, time-consuming, costly mistake into a profitable, carefree and relaxing hobby…
Supported by a trading team with
a combined experience of over 50 years
Please kindly contact us if you need proof of item
Find out more Forex & Trading Courses >>> At Here.
Kenzie Greer –
As advertised | THE LAZY TRADER