The Art Of Charm – Social Capital Networking Intensive – Available Now !!!
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What if I Told You That You Would Have a Higher Value Social Circle, Massive Opportunities in Your Lap, And a More Epic Life in Just 8 Weeks?
Three Benefits of the High-Value Social Circle You Will Have After Completing this Intensive Program:
Having a flawless strategy for approaching new people and a format for directing conversations, so you confidently build ties with people of value. no matter what level of experience you have.
Discovering how to position yourself so that people will want to connect with YOU before you even have to approach them.
Transforming yourself into a higher-level master at building the social circle of your choosing while having influence and respect as a person of massive value.
What is Social Capital?
Why does Dr. Isaac Jones (a super entrepreneurial doctor) have more influence, sell more, get paid to travel the planet to teach doctors how to build successful practices, and have literally hundreds of people each week trying to get consults from Dr. Isaac? While most doctors like Dr. Smith are wishing they had more clients.
The answer is his social capital. Dr. Smith is perceived as a family doctor, and Dr. Isaac Jones is perceived as a doctor that has worked with top athletes, entrepreneurs, and famous celebrities.
People look to Dr. Isaac Jones as someone that must know more about health and wellness than other doctors, based on how many people choose him over their primary care doctors – amazing right?
Dr. Isaac invested in building his value to others from the beginning. He is the perfect example of someone that not only mastered his skillset (in health and wellness) but also in his value to others through special actions like we’ll show you below.
After you complete the Social Capital Networking Intensive, you’ll have developed the skills and confidence to walk into any room and walk out with new relationships.
You’re going to strengthen your value as a person by forming bonds with people across all areas of life that lead you into once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.
Social Capital Networking Intensive
10 Week Training – It’s an easy-to-follow, 8-unit Intensive delivered over ten weeks.
Accessible Everywhere – The Intensive is an online program that is accessible anywhere.
32 Trainings – It includes 32 training sessions and bi-weekly exclusive question-and-answer audio sessions.
Video and Audio – Each session includes video and audio training, as well as workbooks to ensure that all aspects of the Intensive are covered, helping you master these epic systems.
All Downloadable – Training materials are easy, simple downloads.
Mentoring Year Round – Training materials are easy, simple downloads.
#1 – Social Capital Strategy Training
#2 – The Four Essential Mindsets Training
#3 – How to Meet People Training
#4 – Creating a Network Strategy Training
#5 – How To Care For and Maintain Your Network Training
#6 – How To Fix Networking Pitfalls Training
#7 – How to Build Your Brand Training
#8 – Beyond Networking Training
You’ll finer hone your network to include an inner circle of trusted friends and partners – and learn to recognize the valuable opportunities that organically spring from this circle.
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Messiah Parrish –
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