Tai Lopez – 67 Steps – Available Now !!!
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Everbody wants the good life
but not everybody gets the good life How would your life be different if Bill Gates was your business mentor, Warren Buffett was your investment advisor, and the Dalai Lama was your teacher? Finding mentors like this is one of the biggest predictors of your future success. As Picasso said, Good artists copy, great artists steal.
At age 16, Tai realized that life was too complex to figure out on his own.
So Tai wrote a letter to the wisest person he knew, his grandfather a scientist – and asked for the answers to lifes hard questions.
Tai was disappointed with his grandfathers reply.
There was no secret formula. The letter simply said, Tai, the modern world is too complicated. Youll never find all the answers from just one person. If youre lucky, youll find a handful of people throughout your life who will point the way.
But one week later his grandfather sent a package containing an old, dusty set of eleven books with a note, Start by reading these.
When you browse the internet or walk past a magazine rack you are tempted with headlines that promise:
3 Steps To Becoming Rich, or
How To Lose 30 pounds in 14 days, or
2 Quick Secrets To Find Your Soulmate and Love This Weekend, or even,
How To Go From Depressed To Happy, Overnight
Most of those promises are just a hook to get you to buy something. They lure you in but rarely hold up their end of the deal.
But in my experience, getting the good life isnt quite that simple. You must avoid chasing a mirage, the lies of modern day life (that is actually step 32 in the 67 Steps).
There are no 3 quick secrets or anything of real value that you can get overnight. Thats what marketers want to sell you.
The real question I asked myself many years ago was, If there arent 3 steps to get whatever you want, how many steps really are there? And if you cant get success overnight, how quickly can you actually make a big change?
Your success in life hinges upon you finding the answer to these questions.
Tai recently summarized all he has learned from his mentors and compiled them into a series of mentor shortcuts he calls, The 67 Steps.
In this talk, Tai shares a few of these 67 Steps with you:
1. Picassos Rising Tide and the Law of 33
2. Sam Waltons Night In A Brazilian Jail
3. The New Rules Of Reading
4. Stoic vs. Epicurean
Remember, everyone wants the good life but not everyone gets the good life because not everyone is willing to do what it takes. You must be different.
You must do what most wont.
As Thoreau says, The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.
So let this talk inspire you to read a little more, search a little harder, find a few more mentors, and rise above a life of mundane compromise and resignation as you stretch further towards the Good Life.
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