T. Harv Eker – Secrets Of The MultiMillionaire Trainer – Available Now !!!
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T. Harv Eker Finally Shares His 9 Trade Secrets
To Become A Highly Paid Speaker And Trainer Teaching What You Know And Love
Imagine you’re sitting in the audience in a darkened auditorium.
The room is packed with a crowd just waiting for the next speaker to come on. You’ve heard great things, but you’re skeptical – just how good can this speaker be?
But then the lights come on and music starts to play. It already has a different feel from all the other speakers you’ve seen before.
The trainer enters the stage and immediately asks the audience a question. You find yourself answering it. He’s got you hooked. You can’t look away. You’re hanging on to every word he says.
His training style is like nothing you’ve ever seen before. Instead of just regurgitating information and hoping the audience will follow, he engages with you. He asks you to participate and gives you room to fill in the blanks.
You’re learning more, you’re having fun and you’re extremely entertained.
He doesn’t have his talk memorized – in fact, sometimes he goes a little off track by telling stories or cracking jokes. But instead of being perfect, his presence and power is authentic.
The whole room follows him wherever he goes.
After the talk, you rush to the front of the room to talk to him – and you’re not the only one. It seems like the entire room is rushing to ask questions and get advice.
And as you stand in line waiting to get a chance to speak to him, you wonder. could you ever do what he does and be the same kind of trainer as him?
What would you talk about?
How would you know what to do?
Would people even listen to you?
Would anyone show up to your talks?
Well, today you don’t have to wonder anymore. Because the truth is, training on that level is something anyone can do – if (and this is a big if) they learn the right way to do it!
What Would It Be Like To Get Rich Teaching What You Know And Love?
Okay, now it’s time to flip the script. You’re no longer imagining what it’s like to be in the audience. Now it’s time to imagine yourself as that dynamic, world-class trainer you envisioned before.
Imagine making $100,000 or MORE in a single weekend teaching what you know and love.
Imagine traveling the world, staying at the best hotels and in the nicest rooms – at no cost to you!
Imagine getting to fly first class and take an assistant or your spouse with you, all expenses paid.
Imagine creating online trainings that are set up in a way to make you money 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
It may sound far-fetched, but being a world class trainer, speaker, author, or business professional allows you to not only earn a fortune, but also live an extraordinary lifestyle.
But this is only scratching the surface of what you can achieve.
And you have the power to live this life, but you’re going to need to do more than simply going out, teaching a few classes and getting your feet wet.
Introducing Secrets Of The MultiMillionaire Trainer
A Step-By-Step System To Help Anyone Create A Successful Training Business
This powerful new program can help anyone – from beginners who want to teach but don’t know how to get started, to seasoned trainers who want to expand their business and skyrocket their skills and finally to anyone who is in business who wants to use teaching as a method to effectively promote their business.
Here’s what you’ll learn in this one-of-a-kind program:
How to choose the best topic for your trainings – one that will attract an audience and bring in steady profits for years to come.
The “miracle secret” to speaking in front of a crowd of any size – from 5 to 5,000 – and overcome even the most crippling cases of stage fright!
How to fill a room of any size, live or online, so that you can sell your program.
How to write, design, and create your own world-class training – whether it’s a 30-minute talk, a weekend workshop, or an online program like this one.
The quick and easy way to adapt your trainings into a book – helping you create a new revenue stream, gaining additional credibility, and giving you a foolproof method to market your programs.
How to use your programs to sell additional products and services – and how you can use your new, expert status to offer your work at a premium.
The exact same templates Harv has used to create courses, talks, and programs that have made him millions in revenue.
And much, much more!
Get T. Harv Eker – Secrets Of The MultiMillionaire Trainer at Sendcourse.com.
Learn The Exact, Step-By-Step System Used By T. Harv Eker, One Of The World’s Leading Wealth & Success Trainers
T. Harv Eker is the author of the New York Times #1 bestselling book Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind and bestselling book SpeedWealth. He is also the founder of one the largest training companies in the world. He’s written 19 different seminars and courses, most of which are taught all around the planet by trainers that he’s taught and licensed his programs to. In addition, he’s personally taught thousands of people how to not only be a world-class trainer, speaker and author but how to become rich doing it.
Today Harv has over 3 million students from 104 different countries around the world and is by anyone’s account, wealthy because of it.
The Secrets Of The MultiMillionaire Trainer Program Will Show You How To Build Your Own Massively Successful Training Business – In Just 5 Weeks
Taught over 5 modules with over 5.5 hours of transformational content, you’ll learn the exact strategies T. Harv Eker has used to find success in his own life and business. By the end, you’ll have all the tools, templates, techniques and scripts to implement this step-by-step system into your own life.
When you enroll in the program, here’s what you’ll learn
Module 1: Introduction, Infopreneuring & Choosing Your Ultimate Topic
It isn’t enough to put yourself out there as an expert and start teaching just anything. In order to be successful, you have to choose a topic people are going to respond to. In this module, we’ll show you exactly how to choose the perfect topic (no matter what your interests or industry may be) and how to position yourself for real success. Many students come in with no clue what they want to teach and finish this section with 3 or 4 different topics they’re excited about.
Module 2: Crafting Your Introductory Sequence Template
You get only one chance to make a first impression – and we’ll show you how to do it right from the get-go. Many so-called “experts” have great information to share, but manage to bomb within the first 3-5 minutes! A poor introduction can doom you right from the start, no matter how much value you have to share. In this module, Harv will show you how to avoid the most common pitfalls you might run across and give you his proven introduction sequence that is guaranteed to wow your audience from the start.
Module 3: Powerful Presentations Parts 1-3
This module is where we really get into the meat of the training biz. If your presentations don’t pack a punch, no one is going to want to learn from you. After you finish this module you’ll be ready to speak in front of any crowd and feel confident that you’ll be able to control it. This is where you hook your audience and they hang off every word you say. Presenting with power does not cover how to be a perfect speaker, instead it covers how to be a raw, real and authentic trainer. You’ll never have to worry about people not listening to your talk after you finish this section. Again, Harv shares his exact process for creating truly powerful presentations and gives you his templates to do this.
Module 4: Offering Additional Products, Services & The Ultimate “Marketing From The Stage” Template
Have you ever wanted to stand on a stage and have people running to the back of the room to sign up for your program, service or buy your product? Because once you finish this module you’ll have the ultimate “marketing from the stage” template that will show you how to have groups of people literally running to buy your stuff. This is where you’ll learn to make $100,000 or more in a single weekend. This module is where you’ll start to get RICH.
Module 5: The Funnel Marketing System, The “Simplest Way To Success” Template & Creating Your 30-Minute Presentation
Once your audience buys one product or service from you, what’s next? You sell them more products or services, true or true? But what do you sell them? Here’s where you can learn how Harv created the world’s largest training company in the world! He’s going to show you inside his marketing funnel that he’s used to generate millions and millions and millions of dollars. He’s also going to give you the exact steps to create your own marketing funnel as well.
In addition to learning how to build your multimillion dollar empire, you’re going to create at least a 30-minute talk. Harv’s going to give you the template he’s used to create every single one of his online talks, live hour presentations and week-long events. By the end of this module you’ll be ready to give this training system a test drive and start making money!
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