Socialcircleblueprint – Rsd Social Circle Blueprint Full – Available Now !!!
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Here is what you will find inside
The Social Circle Blueprint:
The Core Product (12+ Hours of Deep-Dive Mastermind Content):
Conquering Fears
Overcoming the Fear of Approaching, the Fear of Rejection, the Fear of Missing Out, and how to Leverage those Fears to YOUR ADVANTAGE.
Inner Game
Self-Esteem, Self-Worth, and Self-Confidence as it relates to Social Circle, Attraction, and Immediate Results Across the Board.
Mastering Logistics
Approaching, Escalating, and the Art of the Pull (Especially in High-Volume, High-Quality Environments).
Principles of Pre-Selection
Pre-Selection, Evolutionary Psychology, and The Social Trigger Points that Make Women Turned on “By Default”.
Social Capital
Social Proof, Social Capital, and How to Use Social Leverage to “Game on Autopilot”, Achieving Effortless, High-Impact Results.
Understanding High-Status Game
Club Game, and Table Game, High-Value and High-Status Game Broken Down to the Finest Details.
How To Game 9’s and 10’s
The way to get the women you thought were “too good for you”, or “out of your league”.
Save Money, Make Money
The Framework for Using The Social Circle Blueprints to Not Only Save You Money – But Actually MAKE YOU MONEY!
Exclusive After-Party Access
Staying at High-End Hotels and Renting Penthouses
Driving Exotic Cars
Meeting People in High-Value and High-Status Areas
Throwing Your Own Events with Little / No Cost
Secret Final Module
The Secret Final Module includes topics and footage that would be deemed “too real” to put in the rest of the product, you will enjoy this!
Join The Social Circle Blueprint Tribe!
Everyone who is a part of The Social Circle Blueprint Tribe is dedicated to results.
Everyone who is a part of our group is there to provide value to one another, and to maximize each others’ results.
Become a part of the Tribe and take advantage of the social arbitrage of the group.
Please kindly contact us if you need proof of item.
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Alfonso Frederick –
very fast service | Socialcircleblueprint – Rsd Social Circle Blueprint Full