Sanaya and Orin – Orin’s Intuition: Connecting with Your Divine Self | Instant Download !
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Welcome to Orin’s Divine Will In depth study course series, originally taught as live seminars. In this course you will explore ways to be in touch with your intuition, to trust it, to follow it, and to allow it to become a guiding force in your life. Your intuition can show you the way through the many choices and decisions you are faced with daily. It guides you in following and living your soul’s intentions and purposes. It leads you to be in the right place at the right time. As you follow your intuition, there is a sense of a higher power at work in your life.
You will link with your soul and the 4th quality of Divine Will, the Will to Harmonize. In the illumination of your soul’s light and with the assistance of this Divine Will quality, you will contact your Divine Self, a part of you that exists at a higher level than your soul and that Orin has referred to as “spirit” in earlier meditations. This Self is the source of all spiritual power, love, and wisdom; it is your eternal, true Self that is the essence of your being. This Self is always reaching out to you, offering you its energy and guidance.
The Will to Harmonize is a quality of Will that opens intuition and ends separation between you and your Divine Self. You will work with this Will and Orin to open all channels of communication to your Divine Self, the source of intuitive guidance. Through this connection, you can awaken your clairvoyance and clairaudience, and clear emotions and thoughts that stand in the way of your receiving, hearing, and correctly interpreting your intuition, the still, small, quiet voice of your Divine Self. Learn more about the Will to Harmonize.
You will be guided to sense the Divine Self of others and receive intuitive guidance about your relationships. You can experience more peace, harmony, and flow in every area of your life through connecting with your Divine Self, getting clear intuitive guidance, and releasing lack and limitation. Create and sustain the Divine Blueprint of your life. In this course, you will link with your soul and the 4th quality of Divine Will, the Will to Harmonize. In the illumination of your soul’s light and with the assistance of this Divine Will quality, you will contact your Divine Self, a part of you that exists at a higher level than your soul and that Orin has referred to as “spirit” in past journeys. This Self is the source of all spiritual power, love, and wisdom; it is your eternal, true Self that is the essence of your being. This Self is always reaching out to you, offering you its energy and guidance.
The Will to Harmonize is a quality of Will that opens intuition and that ends separation between you and your Divine Self. You will work with this Will and Orin to open all channels of communication to your Divine Self, the source of intuitive guidance. Through this connection, you can awaken your clairvoyance and clairaudience, and clear emotions and thoughts that stand in the way of your receiving, hearing, and correctly interpreting your intuition, the still, small, quiet voice of your Divine Self.
You will be guided to sense the Divine Self of others and receive intuitive guidance about your relationships. You can experience more peace, harmony, and flow in every area of your life through connecting with your Divine Self, getting clear intuitive guidance, and releasing lack and limitation. Create and sustain the Divine Blueprint of your life.
great Seller! | Sanaya and Orin – Orin’s Intuition: Connecting with Your Divine Self