Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary 2.0 with Barbara Marx Hubbard | INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD !
Salepage : Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary 2.0 with Barbara Marx Hubbard
Are you ready for the next stage of your spiritual life in which you can fully incarnate your soul and express your highest gifts as your “vocation of destiny?”
Do you see yourself as a global citizen and recognize that it is time for collaborative, joyful action to solve our challenges and create a peaceful, sustainable and just world?
As our collective crises crescendo, it’s time for us to take the most sacred and meaningful journey of our lives to emerge more fully as the new human – filled with love, creativity and grace… clear of the past, empowered to give our full gifts, and nurtured by a conscious community.
It’s time to join together in a community of pioneering souls and take the Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary 2.0 !
When you do, you are empowered to “BE the change” by going to heights of evolution that your ancestors could not have even dreamed of.
If you resonate with the above, you already carry the seeds of the new culture within. You are coded with a deep evolutionary impulse for growth – impelled forward, just as the caterpillar is impelled to become a butterfly.
But you may not have felt the conditions were right yet to really blossom. Fully. Divinely. No holding back.
Now is that time.
What is required is a sacred community of support and a truly skilled guide so that you can take the sacred journey and become the full expression of the conscious evolutionary that you are… to literally birth the divine human in you.
This sacred journey takes you from one level of human evolution into a new, more expansive, synergistic and joyful one. And it has clear stages, as your mind, emotions, body, energy systems and consciousness all undergo a profound shift and join with the higher octaves of your being.
The Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary 2.0 begins with a shift in your whole worldview, so you see with the eyes of evolution itself. Your identity will expand beyond the ego and you will begin living from your true Essence. The journey accelerates as you enter a sacred communal crysalis to undergo a true cellular metamorphosis. And it finds its joyous conclusion in your deepened experience of self and newfound ability to engage as a co-creative evolutionary.
Those who complete this sacred journey become evolved creators of the new world and shining examples to those who come after them.
There is no one more experienced to lead this sacred journey than Barbara Marx Hubbard, who Deepak Chopra calls “THE voice for conscious evolution in our times” and is regarded by luminaries like Jack Canfield as a true American treasure.
And she realizes it is time to reveal EVERYTHING she knows about how to undergo the metamorphosis and allow the divinization process that births a new human. She’s taking all of her lifework and all of her mystical experiences and her lifetime of inner guidance to create the Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary 2.0.
What You Will Discover in this Sacred Journey
Each week throughout the program, you will have the opportunity to engage in discovery questions, deep meditations, Evolutionary Circles and large group sharing on the phone or through a webcast on your computer.
There will also be monthly “Global Cafe” calls, in which Patricia Ellsberg along with experienced senior facilitators, will be available for live group discussion and deepening. Each live Global Cafe session will support you in integrating the course teachings and building deeper community with your fellow evolutionaries.
And in a special offering, Shift Network CEO and Founder Stephen Dinan will engage in three Sacred Communion dialogues with Barbara and with you, exploring the next stage of our evolution in profound ways.
Course sessions are on Tuesdays at 5:00pm Pacific.
Stage 1: The New Story
Immersion in the New World View of Your Own Conscious Evolution
We are blessed to be born at the dawn of the First Age of Conscious Evolution. In this stage of the Sacred Journey you become aware that you are evolution becoming conscious of itself. You are encoded with the genius of the 13.8 billion years of the journey from Source to us, empowered by the Impulse of Evolution as your own motivation to become your full potential self, a co-creator with the process of creation, part of the “strange attractor” of the next phase of evolution.
Module 1: Discovering the New World View of Conscious Evolution Within Yourself and the Universe (January 20)
- Gain a new universal perspective and context. Place yourself in an overview position, like the astronaut, and learn to see the whole story of creation as your own story.
- Develop from this expanded view a vital ability to interpret the crises on Earth as evolutionary drivers leading toward the emergence of a co-creative culture .
- Experience the emergence of the next stage of evolution within yourself.
- Be introduced to Evolutionary Circles and later Universal Human Pods as the basic structures for self evolution.
Module 2: The Impulse of Evolution Becoming More Through You (January 27)
- Awaken post-birth as a co-creator of the new world.
- Feel within yourself a new identity as you sense evolution unfolding within you, leading to greater complexity, consciousness and choice as you evolve personally, and through your work in the world.
- See that the “noosphere” is speaking through you, that you are the eyes and ears and voice of the “thinking layer of the Earth”
- Learn about social synergy and the Wheel of Co-creation as a template of the next state of evolution.
- Enter the heart of the Hub of the Wheel, a new sacred space for shared contact with higher intelligence, within us and beyond us.
Stage 2: The New Person
The Emergence Process
(Part One of the New Person)
The Emergence Process is an evolutionary path leading to the development of ourselves as more co-creative universal humans. Ten progressive steps guide us to make the fundamental shift of our identity from ego to Essence, from our egoic separated local self to our spiritual Essential Self, which is our true nature. We strengthen and stabilize our connection to our own Essence, the Beloved within, until we become our own higher self and cultivate within ourselves the next stage of our development that has in the past been embodied in extraordinary mystics and saints, yet is now approaching a new norm.
Module 3: Exploring Your Heart’s Desire for Your Own Emergence and Creating an Inner Sanctuary; Step 1 (February 3)
- Get in touch with your deepest heart’s desire for what is emergent in you and who you want to become.
- Create an Inner Sanctuary – a place of peace and inspiration where you leave behind the concerns and pressures of daily life.
- Develop a poised mind as you cultivate inner receptivity and deep listening to the signals of your Essential Self, embodying your own Essence or true nature.
- Learn to ask the Universe your questions, listen for response from higher mind and test the responses through action.
- Experience the joy of receiving higher guidance.
- Begin writing in your journal, recalling times of inspiration and guidance.
Module 4: Contemplating the Glory of the Beloved; Step 2 (February 10)
- Spend as much time as you can in your Inner Sanctuary in Essential Self contemplation.
- Become the director of your attention, directing your attention to the Beloved within.
- Identify and integrate the specific qualities of your Essence that you most love – such as joy, peace, security, love, wholeness and wisdom.
- Affirm that you are these qualities, falling in love with your own Essence… a New Love Affair.
- Experience the joy of speaking as your Essential Experience, communicating with others – Essence with Essence.
- Learn how to create and maintain deep resonance as you share with others in an Evolutionary Circle.
Module 5: Incarnating Your Essential Self and Inviting the Beloved to Take Dominion;
Step 3 & 4 (February 17)
- Experience the Essential Self transforming your body-mind.
- Learn how to make your life a continuous process of placing your attention on the presence of your Essential Self.
- Experience a “natural high”, an inner love affair as you fall in love with the Beloved within.
- In sacred ceremony, invite your Essential Self to incarnate within you, come in the whole way and take dominion in your life.
- Put this Purpose first.
Module 6: The Bliss of Union of the Human and Divine; Step 5 (February 24)
- Be guided in the Almaas Process – the practice through which ego becomes a guide to Essence.
- Create a deep chamber within you inner sanctuary – the “Rose Chamber of Union of the human and Divine.”
- Sense the Beloved as a radiant presence emanating light.
- Experience your wounded local selves becoming facets of your Essential Self rather than fragmented negative aspects of your personality.
- Learn to follow your “Compass of Joy.”
- Discover how to be in resonance with, and affirm, the highest in others.
Module 7: Shifting Your Identity as You Enter Childhood; Step 6 (March 3)
- Shift the “I” of your identity to the Beloved within, deepening a new Inner Love Affair.
- Recognize you are the guide who’s been guiding, the voice you’ve been hearing, the Beloved you have loved.
- Learn to practice and embody powerful affirmations to support your transformation.
- Speak as your Essential Self with others.
- Tap into causal consciousness.
- Cultivate greater receptivity to the larger design.
Module 8: Transferring Authority;
Step 7 (March 10)
- Examine and begin to heal your attitude toward authority.
- Develop your own authentic power, realizing that true authority is within you as your own Essential Self.
- Re-parent yourself by evolving and maturing your internalized mother and father while strengthening the inner masculine and feminine aspects of your being.
- Become a loving parent to yourself and forgive your own unskillful behavior as you do with a child.
- Practice speaking with the full power of who you truly are.
Module 9: Educating Your Local Selves; Step 8 (March 17)
- Deepen your practice of the Almaas Process as ego guides you to Essence.
- Create an expanded Inner Sanctuary and enter a “Sunlit Garden of Co-creation.”
- Develop the practice of creating “heaven within.”
- Stop trying to figure out or solve anything and experience the problems of your local self being dissolved, not solved.
- Move from local, linear time to non-local, non-linear time – the pure awareness of the present.
- Experience self-evolution through self-elevation.
Module 10: Repatterning Your Life and Fulfilling the Promise; Steps 9 & 10
(March 24)
- Take a moral inventory, looking at what you want to let go of that is no longer serving you.
- Allow your life to re-pattern.
- Discern and nurture what is new that is emerging.
- Become clear about what you are passionate about creating, your soul’s purpose.
- Learn to live as “Essence in Action.”
- Experience you are one with the Essence that pervades the whole Universe.
Part Two of the The New Person
Metamorphosis: Incarnating the Energetic Frequency of the Universal Human, the Next Stage of
Personal Evolution (Weeks 11 – 16)
Once you have understood more of your full participation in the Story of Creation and have begun or deepened the process of incarnating your Essential Self in Emergence, then comes the jump to the next stage of evolution – to incarnate your Universal Self, often experienced a Presence, a non-local Light Body, the highest frequency of your being.
This stage of The Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary 2.0 takes you on an experiential journey to embody the Universal Self, guided by the “52 Codes for Conscious Self Evolution,” a download from the highest frequency of Barbara’s being, which she calls a Universal Self.
When you experience these Codes, practice them in your Circle, and place them deeply into your consciousness – they will continue to work on evolving you to the next stage of your development. In doing this for yourself, you are contributing to the awakening of the entire human species!
We are entering a threshold that few of us have collectively crossed before, a quantum jump. When we actually incarnate these Codes into our Essential Self, we are becoming Universal Humans… still very young at this stage of evolution, early harbingers of the next stage of human evolution.
We begin the Metamorphosis process by focusing your intention and attention on taking this evolutionary leap in consciousness within your small group that is transforming now from an Evolutionary Circle into a Universal Human Pod – a breakthrough in deepening communication and integration with the Divine, a multi-human organism that holds a higher frequency.
An essential structure for the birth and stabilization of a Universal Humanity, it is composed of a small number of individuals who have joined together in a “cocoon of light,” a membrane uniting each member, to create a cell, a whole greater than the sum of its parts. These pioneering souls are deeply resonant with one another and are committed to realizing their full potential as Whole Beings and experiencing the next stage of human evolution together.
Although a few exceptional humans have attained this level of consciousness, we have never done this before collectively. Our goal is truly magnificent: to fully incarnate as young Universal Humans, Whole Beings, co-creators of the new world.
Module 11: Introduction to the Process
of Metamorphosis (March 31)
- Hear Barbara’s Story of Discovery: how she first experienced herself as a Universal Being.
- Receive a transmission and directly experience the higher frequency of the Universal Human – the God within.
- Be introduced to the “52 Codes,” a sacred map and incremental process that has guided Barbara and others in experiencing the next level of self evolution toward becoming our Full Potential Selves.
- Take this evolutionary leap of consciousness as you are guided to participate in a Universal Human Pod.
Module 12:Converging Your Universal Self with Your Essential Self (April 7)
- Have an opportunity to access a depth of your being that you may never have fully touched before.
- Let the Universal Self integrate into all aspects of your being so you become a Whole Being – your Full Potential Self.
- Be supported by the field created by all participants to feel the space of revelation and deeper resonance that is inherent in the Universal Human experience.
Module 13: Regenerating the Physical Body (April 14)
- Practice holding your attention on the image of your Whole Being in order to infuse your body with vitality and peace.
- Turn your attention to transforming the cellular structure of your body.
- Guide the transmutation process through the frequency of the spoken word.
- Blend father energy with mother energy within you to consolidate and substantiate this higher consciousness.
Module 14: Undergoing the Process
of Transubstantiation (April 21)
- Experience the power of mind to affect matter, as your Universal Self begins to take dominion within you.
- Deepen in the process of embodiment of the Universal Self through consolidation, substantiation, calibration and celebration.
- Experience the integration of the full spectrum of selves.
- Continue to unite the Essential Self with the higher frequencies to create a harmonic within all aspects of your being.
Module 15: Integrating the Full Spectrum
of Selves (April 28)
- Identify as the Life Force embodied at its next stage.
- Practice holding the master field of ascending and descending life force in your heart to stabilize as a Whole Being.
- Internalize the frequency of the Universal Self to organize and create coherence in your life.
- Experience yourself in pure timeless awareness, while simultaneously unfolding in time.
Module 16: Finding Your Place in the
Larger Pattern (May 5)
- Experience how the larger process of evolution is repositioning you and drawing you forward by attraction.
- Discover how your true vocation calibrates you into the right position in the social body.
- Begin to blend doing and being by infusing your work in the world with the vitality of your Universal Self.
- Be inspired and uplifted by the beauty of your own being, held in a field of love and collective Presence.
- Contribute to the birth of a Universal Humanity by your participation in this awakening process.
Stage Three: The New Society
Discovering and Deepening Your Vocation of Destiny and Building a Co-creative Culture
What is the design, structure and quality of a co-creative culture?
We are living in an emerging world, where all the functional systems of the past are breaking down and the new systems are barely breaking through. As pioneering souls, we seek together to divine the design by our own aspiration and Spirit-motivated action. In a field of resonance and shared purpose, we call forth our own vocation of destiny, form our dream team, and explore together how to transform our society.
We continue to join in Universal Human Pods so that each person can experience being directed by their genetic code to the precise place in the social body where they can best express their full potential Self. It is in the field of resonance where the multi-human cells or pods coalesces into a whole system. This is how a whole system forms.
As we evolve as Universal Humans, integrating all aspects of our being, we join our genius with one another to give birth to a co-creative society and a Universal Humanity.
Module 17: Forming Universal Human Pods to Birth a New Society (May 12)
- Be guided about how to form a Universal Human Pod and bring it into your life.
- Be introduced to the “Formation of the Pod” booklet.
- Experience that the very process of evolution itself is propelling you forward to fulfill your unique destiny.
- Seek to join genius to co-create rather than genes to procreate.
- Experience that the activity expressed in the outer world flows from the incorporation of the Universal Self.
- Partake of the Evolutionary Sacrament to further substantiate the light body of your Universal Self.
Module 18: Finding Your Place in the Wheel of Co-creation (May 19)
- Discover or deepen into your vocation of destiny – what you are born to do.
- Clarify and share with others your soul’s code.
- Receive a roadmap of the Wheel of Co-Creation and the Sectors of the Wheel or the Spheres of Life.
- Explore and share your sense of where you belong within the Wheel of Co-Creation.
Module 19: The Cocoon of Creation of the Universal Self (May 26)
- Contemplate and share your vision of how you continue in a Pod after the course and take action to create a Pod in your community.
- Experience a deepening of fusion of genius as you join with others in a resonant field.
- Deepen in the Evolutionary Sacrament to divine the design of creation and your unique role in this design.
Module 20: Building the Co-creative Society (June 2)
- Imagine the planetary birth experience of a co-creative society with everyone able to give their gifts and fulfill their vocations of destiny.
- Acknowledge yourself as a leader of the emerging world.
- Harvest and share wisdom gained from our Sacred Journey together.
- Explore how best to continue the Sacred Journey with this Community of Pioneering Souls.
- Celebrate knowing that our journey continues and that victory is assured to all those whose consciousness is shifting.
Here’s What You’ll Receive
Twenty Live 90 Minute or more Class Sessions with Barbara Marx Hubbard
Experience a rare opportunity to mentor and learn with one of the world’s leading spiritual teachers from the comfort of your own home. Each session helps you create the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.
Six 60-Minute LIVE Global Cafe Session
Experience a rare opportunity for group discussion and deepening every month. Each live global cafe session will help you integrate the information and build deeper community with your fellow evolutionaries.
Twenty Audio Recordings of Each Class Session
After each live class, the audio will be available to you to download in high quality MP3 format. This way you’ll never have to worry about missing a session and you can listen anytime and anywhere on your iPod, in your car and at your convenience.
Twenty PDF Transcripts of the Class Sessions
In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.
Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
After each lesson you will then have the option to do related exercises and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning and integrate each session.
Online Community
Our exclusive, Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your learning after each class. Here, you can ask additional questions, interact with your fellow students – and get access to additional resources to take your learning experience to an even deeper level.
The Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary 2.0 BONUS Collection
- The Science of Anti-Aging
Audio Dialogue with Deepak Chopra
- The Sacred Communion Series: Exploring the Frontiers of Personal Awakening and the Planetary Shift
With Stephen Dinan, Barbara Marx Hubbard and You
- At the Leading Edge of Evolution
7 Segment Audio Training Series with Deepak Chopra, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Ken Wilber, Bruce Lipton, Elisabet Sahtouris, Oscar Miro-Quesada and Andrew Cohen
- The Shared Contact with Higher Intelligence Dialogue Series
With Neale Donald Walsch, Nassim Haramein, Gordon Davidson, Foster Gamble, Byron Belitsos, Dr. Darrell Laham, Dr. J.J. Hurtak and Dr. Desiree Hurtak.
Augustus Rivera –
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