Ross Jeffries – Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp | Instant Download !
In-the-room “skills and drills” exercises to achieve persuasion mastery and create your own patterns, too (you can follow along at home)
Student breakthroughs happening right before your very eyes (YOU will now follow the trail they have blazed for you)
Priceless insights into the REAL workings of the human mind (they don’t teach this stuff in ordinary school)
Downloadable copies of the actual handouts and word-for-word “Super Patterns” from the event, including
My super-secret “private notes” containing even more patterns and persuasion power
And your chance to claim all of it will be Saturday (April 5) at 12:00 Noon Pacific.
Before I share more, please hear that I am
Doing Something Very Powerful
And Profound, Just For You!
Get Ross Jeffries – Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp right now!
One of the most popular products I ever released under Speed Seduction® was the “Advanced Skills Builders”, back in 1996.
These were nothing more than simple audio recordings of me repeating word-for-word patterns, over and over, so you immerse yourself and master the tonality and inflections.
This was the simplest product I ever created, yet it’s the one Sheila and Lisa get so many questions about.
It occurred to me, while at Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp, I should do the same for you to
Turbo-Charge Your Flight Toward
“Puppet-Master” Persuasion Power
When you claim your “Total Immersion” footage on Saturday at Noon Pacific, I will show you an opportunity to
“Double Down” On Your Persuasion
Mastery And Upgrade To
The Persuasion Skills Builders
All of this is just 44 hours from now.
I’ll be in touch tomorrow with much more in the way of, you know, specific details.
Keep ’em open.
Ross Jeffries
Founder, Persuasion Mastery Systems
P.S. If you were at the Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp and you took up on the opportunity to upgrade to get this footage, you will receive your access tomorrow (Friday). We’ll e-mail you when it’s ready.
P.P.S. You should be making your plans to take me up on this 5-day-only offer.
You will look back a year later (maybe even a week later) and say “That was the best decision I ever made.”
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