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The first structured Price Ladder course delivered by senior trader Miltos Savvidis, with intensive Trading Drills of Futex’ best order flow setups.
“To reach individuals that are passionate about the financial markets and empower them with the knowledge, skills and financial funding so that they may pursue a long-lasting and lucrative career in trading.”
The Price Ladder Training programme was developed with a vision in mind. That vision was to cause a paradigm shift in trader development, by providing a platform for traders of all experience levels to rapidly hone the invaluable skillset of reading order-flow in the financial markets. By training them how to read order-flow, our ultimate objective is to create the next generation of great traders.
The programme has been created so that it exposes you to the fundamental elements of the market; buyers and sellers. It is geared towards accelerating your learning curve in the art of basic of order-flow and also the science behind trading the most volatile risk events, in order to profit from them as our professional traders do. All of our traders undergo the intensive Price Ladder Training, which ultimately gives them a much greater chance of reaching a consistently profitable performance.
PROVIDE THE BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE AND CONTEXT BEHIND THE SETUP. We make sure you have a solid understanding behind the premise of the order flow pattern or setup.
REHEARSE SKILLS IN REALISTIC COMBINATIONS. We do not simply want you to learn to place orders in the book, but we drill you on placing orders based upon what you see on the Price Ladder. We give you drills in different market environments i.e. rangebound, trending, high/low volatility, high/low volume.SET GOALS FOR EACH PRACTICE SESSION TO GENERATE IMMEDIATE FEEDBACK. Each practice session’s objectives is based upon progress from previous sessions. Goals are specific, so you can track gains in your learning.
DRILL SKILLS TO PROMOTE IMPLICIT LEARNING. We want to make skills automatic through rapid repetition, solidifying learning, and providing resistance to emotional interference.
With this specific structure we have the ability and intention to push your learning curve to its limits.
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