Predicting Patient Behavior by Brain Lesion Site – Jerome Quellier | Instant Download !
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As patients survive increasingly complex head trauma, stroke, and various encephalopathies, there is a pressing need for practitioners to have advanced knowledge of the underlying anatomical structures that mediate behavior. Understanding the roles of the frontal lobes, hippocampus, the differences between bilateral temporal lobes, and the optic system will assist the clinician in not only predicting a patient’s cognitive dysfunction, but also guide assessment and intervention. This recording is designed to quickly review gross brain anatomy and the physiological processes that mediate self-regulation, executive functions, visual perception, and memory.
- Identify the gross anatomy and function of lobes of the brain as they apply to behavioral control
- Define neurophysiology of memory and effect of fear/anger upon new learning and memory
- Describe the effect of traumatic and non-traumatic injuries upon cognitive centers
- Explain the optic system and lesions locations that affect engagement and accuracy in therapy
Major Brain Lobes
- Location
- Function
- Influence on behavior and decision making
Neurophysiology of Memory
- Anatomy and physiology of the hippocampus and the amygdala
- The paradigm of memory
- Effect of fear/anger upon new learning and memory
The Effect of Traumatic & Non-traumatic Injuries on Cognitive Centers
- Diffuse axonal injury
- Physiologic process of nerve healing
- Ischemic vs hemorrhagic events
- Mid to high Rancho Los Amigos Levels and associated clinical behaviors
The Optic System & Lesions Locations that Affect Engagement & Accuracy in Therapy
- Outline the optic system
- Dysfunction to patient visual perception as it relates to therapy participation
- Simple environmental modifications to maximize patient performance
- Case Study
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Rylan Robertson –
Great communication. | Predicting Patient Behavior by Brain Lesion Site – Jerome Quellier