Peter Schultz – The Winning Secret Training – Available Now!!!
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Peter Schultz is the editor of The Winning Secret and the President of Cashflow Heaven Publishing.
Peter has been showing self-directed investors how to trade successfully since 1996, and is a nationally known speaker on options trading, the author of Passage to Freedom, The Options Success Trading Package, The Winning Secret Trading Package, The Explosive Profits Package and The Greatest Options Strategies on Earth. He has also written several important short reports on innovative options techniques, and is a popular guest on radio and television talk shows pertaining to trading and the financial markets.
Fascinated by the idea of asset-produced monthly income, Peter founded Cashflow Heaven Publishing in 1999 to help his subscribers obtain a better lifestyle through trading and investing strategies designed to produce exceptional monthly returns.
Peter graduated in 1982 from Southern Oregon University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business with marketing and finance concentrations. He is happily married with three children and makes his home in Ashland, Oregon.”on the eastern shores of Bear Creek somewhere north of Siskiyou Pass.”
Cashflow Heaven-What We’re About
Hello my name is Peter Schultz and to understand why I founded this company-and why you might be interested in our programs-we need to go back a few years.
Way back in the mid-70s when I graduated from high school there was a huge oil boom going on in Alaska where I was raised. I had several buddies that were making big money as construction surveyors in the oil fields, and I wanted to do the same.
So I got in the Union and kept going to the hall looking for an opening, and finally a job came up that none of the more experienced guys wanted.
I was pretty excited and got dispatched immediately to the remote Island of Adak-way out on the tip of the Aleutian Chain-where every storm that ever pummeled the west coast of the United States originates.
What is The Winning Secret?
The Winning Secret is a conservative, but highly effective options strategy that only a small number of traders realize exists-and of those that do even fewer actually trade it. The reason is simple and has to do with basic human nature-most people would rather buy a lottery ticket than sell the tickets. And yet it’s the ticket sellers that seem to make all the money (just ask any State government that sponsors a lottery).
PLUS the 10 Module set teaching you how to trade weeklies for some big profits and all future updates and webinars added to the site are included for FREE with your purchase.
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Conrad Caldwell –
Quick delivery; just as described; great vendor | Peter Schultz – The Winning Secret Training