Peter Parks & Andrew Fox – Dna Wealth Blueprint 2 0 – Available Now !!!
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Value: 197
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If your struggling with Facebook pay per click advertising.
if you don’t know how to track your advertising, where to find the hottest offers, how to optimise your campaigns for mobile, split test, target international offers, scale and automate then this if for you.
DNA Wealth Membership is all about action, results and adding big fat digits to your bank account.
We are here to serve you, the action takers who want the opportunity to hit the ‘”next level”
“If Your Product Launches Are Not Hitting At Least $100,000 in Gross Revenues Then This is Definitely For you”
This is where you need to be ‘open and honest’ with yourself.
If your struggling to hit these kinds of numbers you are doing something wrong..
You need to put your hand up and admit it – otherwise you are going to continuously struggle to reach that next level that is within your grasp
It could be your sales copy is confusing,wrong use of colours, (even though you think it’s great)
It could be your sales funnel
You could be motivating affiliates the wrong way
You could be using scarcity the wrong way (and putting prospects off your product)
I’ve sold everything from $7 lead generation offers, $97 ebooks, $1997 Affiliate Training courses, $997 Multi Media Info products, $17-37 WordPress Plugins, Licnesed my own products from $297 – $997 , purchased resale licenses for as little as $197 and made over $25,000 back (Did this with one of Ryan Diess Adsense products).
Please kindly contact us if you need proof of item.
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August Chavez –
A+ seller | Peter Parks & Andrew Fox – Dna Wealth Blueprint 2 0 –