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Peng Joon – Million Dollar Creation
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“What’s The ‘Silent Assassin’ That’s Holding Entrepreneurs Back From Achieving Their Goals More Than EVERYTHING Else Combined?
Let’s take a quick trip together.
It’s just a few short years ago, the year 2007.
Phones flipped.
Skinny jeans had just been born.
In-N-Out Burger was all the rage.
Meanwhile, if you needed to know something, it was still common to get in a vehicle, drive to a library, and talk to a human being to get the information you needed.
It was wild.
Google wasn’t what it is today.
Nor was YouTube.
Smartphones ran on 3G (painfully slow).
While the improvement of those have made access to information much easier and has levelled the playing field for us all…
… there’s one big problem.
You’re going to want to read this.
Fast-forward twelve years since the iPhone was debuted, and what’s happened?
Information is EVERYWHERE.
Ever heard somebody tell you something way too personal, and you thought to yourself “TMI”?
Well, the entire internet has become “Too Much Information”.
I’ll prove it.
Check this out…
What’s the most random thing you can think of, right now?
Google it.
Are you kidding me?
Over 6 MILLION results.
For red freaking burn barrels.
I’m not sure if there’s something special about red ones, but I really did pull that at random.
I know what you’re thinking.
This isn’t pretty, I have to warn you…
If you’re wondering WHY folks continue to publish information in the sea of overwhelm… I’ll tell you the truth.
Companies and gurus keep publishing information at a rate far higher than it’s able to be consumed so that you and I get sucked into it, so we feel like we’re constantly “discovering new stuff” and are “spending our time wisely” by consuming their information.
The cold, hard truth is this…
They’re doing this, on purpose, to attract and keep our attention and to give us the ILLUSION of progress… all so they can sell us more stuff.
That’s a truth bomb right there. ^^
In fact, most marketers KNOW they’re strictly entertaining or “filling our tank” with stuff that we’ll never actually use or get results from.
But, we feel like we’re doing something good by consuming it.
Isn’t that crazy?
I bet you’ve even probably seen, heard, or read information that sounded awesome but, looking back, you’ll never actually be able to use, right?
Now, I’m not saying that all information is bad or that you don’t need it.
What I’m saying is that information is the problem that 99% of entrepreneurs are held back and don’t hit their goals, yet don’t see the glaring problem.
It’s that “silent assassin” in our businesses and daily routines.
Makes sense, right?
Unfortunately, the reality is this…
… if you’re not making the amount of money you want
- ever wonder what you should be doing
- feel like you’re making progress but don’t have a lot to show for it
- see others that aren’t any smarter or more hard-working than you having success and want to find out how YOU can, too
- you’re tired of chasing around the next “big thing” and want something that will work
- just flat-out want to be told the truth, once and for all
- any combination of the above
… you’re in the right place.
Can you imagine trying to live off of $400 for an entire month?
Saying no to friends on the weekend.
Not being able to go on dates or even out to eat.
Having to walk or bike everywhere.
Eating foods I knew were terrible for me because I had no choice.
Watching others enjoy the things I wanted.
All because I didn’t have money.
That was my life.
Every single day.
But, like all good stories, mine has a good ending.
Little by little, I changed things.
I went from making $400 in an entire month, to making $400 in a week.
Then I had my first $400 day.
Then my first $400 hour.
I kept slowly improving.
Twelve years later?
I’m one of only a handful of people on the planet with an award on my wall signifying earning more than $10,000,000 online.
The secret?
It didn’t happen overnight.
You’ve got a goal of making a million dollars, right?
Allow me to simplify this for you.
It’s like this.
Ever had to lose weight or seen somebody else successfully lose weight?
Imagine having the goal of losing 100 pounds.
That’s a tremendous goal.
To be perfectly honest, I’ve had friends whom have done this, tell me that losing 100 pounds is impossible.
As soon as they said that, I thought to myself, “wait, how is it impossible to lose 100 pounds if you’ve done it?”
The truth is this…
They struggled and failed to lose 100 pounds for years.
Diets, gym memberships, supplements, special belts, you name it.
Nothing worked.
For YEARS they failed.
While I know making $10million was, for me, over a decade in the making…
What do you think about making your first $1,000 or $10,000 in a month?
Then doing that in a week?
Then in a day?
Do you think you could start by making $10 in a day? (I’ll even show you how)
It starts there.
Do you believe me now that more information isn’t what you need and, in fact, it’s probably holding you back?
We’ve called it out.
The ‘silent assassin’ is silent no more!
If you’ve bought one too many courses…
If you’ve read one too many books…
Or followed one too many “gurus”…
This is finally the answer you’ve been waiting for.
Information is the problem.
What do you need, then?
That’s it.
Clarity on what you should be doing, every day, to make progress.
That’s the key.
Always make progress.
No more spinning wheels.
Just building your empire.
Brick by brick.
By now, you can probably see why it took me 12 years to go from $400 per month… to over $1,000,000 per month… because I was trying to make a million dollars for the first 8 years.
Now, you can see why in the past 4 years companies pay me $50,000+ to walk them through this stuff.
… let me ask you a quick question.
How would you like me to show you EVERYTHING you need to do to get extreme CLARITY on exactly what you should be doing in your business to get to a million, one dollar at a time… withOUT paying me $50,000 to walk you through everything?
You’re in luck!
I’ve NEVER exposed this aside from one-on-one to my highest level consulting clients before…
It’s simply too good to keep to myself.
I call this system the Million Dollar Creation.
I call this system the Million Dollar Creation.
This is the clarity you need to know exactly what to do, and when to do it.
Here’s the deal I’m going to make you.
I do NOT want you thinking this is just another course.
It’s nothing like a course.
In fact, it’s more a complete coaching program, mastermind, AND accountability service all-in-one.
Sure, you’re getting the most concise, to-the-point online training portal with everything you need and nothing you don’t… so you can get ONLY the information you actually need to implement the necessary steps to actually get tangible results.
You’re also getting twice-weekly coaching sessions with me, to give you the insane amounts of clarity you need to make progress every single day…
and have no questions as to whether what you’re doing is the right thing or not. (You’d have to pay tens of thousands of dollars to get my coaching anywhere else, this is included for FREE)
Probably the best part is that you’re also getting the private community.
It’s not just a Facebook group, it’s more like a family. You’ll be fully supported and surrounded by like-minded entrepreneurs who are there for you, 24/7 to celebrate your wins, help you when you’re stuck, and be there for you along your journey.
Ever heard somebody say, “Show me your friends, I’ll show you your future”?
It’s like that.
The community is your future.
Your future is extremely bright.
So, in order for you to get your hands on this system, I need you to make me a deal.
You promise to absolutely NOT think of this as another course.
You promise to absolutely NOT share with anybody that you got your hands on my system for the price you’re getting it for (those who paid $50k would be SUPER upset)
I’m going to give you my ENTIRE system, Million Dollar Creation, for probably 5% of what it’s actually worth.
Unless you want to pay more.
Just don’t forget to “tip the dealer” and take care of me later, k?
You’ll discover my EXACT blueprint… including action plans, “press go” tools, and all the coaching and support you’ll need to finally get progress every single day.
If you tried to figure this all out on your own, it’d take you years and tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to get close.
It took me over 12 years, and some say I’m pretty good.
It doesn’t have to take you that long.
Hold your horses…lol
Keep in mind I’m giving you the SAME EXACT THING those who pay me $50,000 to walk them through this get…
Readmore about : Peng Joon – Million Dollar Creation, peng joon , dollar creation, access to peng, coaching sessions
Shyanne Morrow –
Exactly as described, fast shipping, great seller | Peng Joon – Million Dollar Creation