Options Profit Success System by AJ Brown (9 DVDs + Workbook) – Available Now !!!
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From the Desk of A.J. Brown
RE: Your Dream Career…
Too many people lead lives of quiet desperation.
Dreading Mondays… dragging themselves out of bed each morning… secretly wishing they could walk away from their J.O.B. and never look back.
And yet they all put on their happy faces and keep doing what their doing, even though a little piece of them dies every time they say no to their dreams.
Good news: It doesn’t have to be this way.
It’s Time to Follow Your Dreams
Maybe you want to travel the world and see all the exotic places you’ve only seen in magazines.
Maybe you want to pursue a hobby full-time or spend more quality time with your family.
Or maybe you just want to say goodbye to the money problems and financial worries that keep you awake at night.
Whatever the case may be, it’s time to say yes to those dreams… and make them a reality.
First, Stop Making Excuses
- Excuse #1: “I don’t have time.”
- Listen, you’ll never have time. You have to make time. Anybody who has accepted the challenge of creating a better life knows this.
- Excuse #2: “The recession makes it impossible right now.”
- Just because there’s a recession doesn’t mean opportunity no longer exists. There are still plenty of opportunities — good paying ones! — if you know where to look.
- Excuse #3: “I’m too old/young/afraid.”
- Whatever you like to blame, just stop it. Your age will only hold you back if you let it. Your fear will only hold you back if you let it.
Here’s a Little Mental Exercise…
Stop. Close your eyes. Visualize your dream. Live it in your mind. What do you see? What do you hear? What textures do you feel?
Imagine what it would be like if you could live your dream every day of the year.
Feels good, doesn’t it.
Now, are you going to let a silly little excuse stand in the way of you achieving your dream?
Hell, No!
You’re going to take that excuse and bury it so it never sees the light of day again.
Alright, you may be wondering why I’m spending so much time talking about dreams. And the reason is because I used to be just like you.
I tried to please my family, so I got a degree and took a corporate job working for “the man.”
It wasn’t bad, at first.
But gradually I found myself less and less motivated. I started taking long lunches, coming in late. I just couldn’t summon the energy to keep going into work.
It was about that time I discovered option trading. It appealed to my engineering background and my knack for numbers. Plus, option trading had a whole bunch of other benefits…
- I could trade options from anywhere in the world so long as I had an Internet connection and a phone.
- I could leverage small investments into big paydays.
- I could make a lot of money with very little time invested.
- Best of all, I could finally quit my job and pursue my dreams… full-time
In fact, get this. After I had made a good chunk of money from option trading, I decided to move to Fort Collins, Colorado and…
Bought 17 Houses!
I know it sounds ridiculous… dreams sometimes are… but I had always wanted to buy up some foreclosures and flip them.
Option trading allowed me to make that dream a reality.
Now, I’ve since discovered that flipping houses is not for me, but the point is this: Option trading has given me the flexibility, income, and lifestyle I’ve always wanted.
And now I get to share that with people like you.
Many of my students have gone on to create a healthy income for themselves. Take Joseph Yong, for example…

Not everybody will achieve what Joe has achieved. That’s because not everybody has the courage to overcome their fears, get out of their comfort zone, and take positive action.
If you are like Joe, and you’re one of the few who do have that courage, then you’ll want to keep reading.
Here’s What This Is All About…
After a lot of blood, sweat, and tears (and 10 months of work), I’ve finally finished creating a nuts-to-bolts home study course for option traders…
This course is the culmination of more than 5 years of teaching, all boiled down into a simple step-by-step system.
Doesn’t matter if you’re still wet behind the ears, or you’ve got a few years of trading behind you — this course will give you a complete understanding of option trading.
Most important, it will give you a concrete trading plan you can start using immediately to make money trading options.
And You Can Try It
If You Want.
More on that in just a minute. First, let me tell you about what you’ll learn when you crack open my home study course…
Module 1: Options and the Funnel Process
- How to “control” premium EXPENSIVE stocks for pennies on the dollar… and still take 100% of the profits. (Module 1, Page 2)
- Buy low and sell high? Here’s how advanced traders are doubling their investment opportunities by making money in reverse… selling high then buying low. (Module 1, Page 7)
- How options traders can control $500,000.00 worth of property for 1/10th the risk and exit the deal with $100,000.00 in their pocket. (Module 1, Pages 10-11)
- The biggest little secret of the stock market… when you make a great return someone else will _________. (Module 1, Page 12)
- The successful option trader’s #1 rule: NEVER be in an option that is __________. This may be controversial, but 20 years experience says it’s true. (Module 1, Page 13)
- The option trading strategy that is MORE profitable in a BEAR market. (Module 1, Page 15)
- Bear market trading strategies only 1 in 5 traders know how to capitalize on. (Module 1, Page 16)
- How I made $84,000.00 in 8 hours staying cool, calm, and collected while others panicked and saw their investments vanish. (Sadly, it was their fear that made me money.) (Module 1, Page 12)
- How option traders only take a tiny fraction of the risk typical stock investors do. (Module 1, Page 19)
- The ridiculously clever method for making a 100% return on stock you only paid 10% for. (Module 1, Pages 20-21)
- Why day traders stay WIRED and stressed all day while option traders are taking relaxed strolls in the park. (Module 1, Page 22)
- How I mimic banks and earn a 5-20% return investing other people’s money. (Module 1, Pages 38-39)
Success Story #1: James Monroe *
Click to Listen
To put it simply, Trading Trainer is nothing short of incredible. If I weren’t achieving these spectacular returns myself, I would not believe it from anyone else. The system is a no brainer for anybody who wants to invest and make outrageous returns with minimal effort, complexity, and capital required. What’s even more incredible is the commitment and dedication A.J. puts forward to make sure that each member is successful.
I’ve had 24 profitable trades to date, and an average of 10% to 20% over only one to four days. And I’m getting better every day. Quite frankly… and I probably shouldn’t say this because he might raise his fees if he hears me say this… the low membership fee is a ridiculous steal!
Click Here for a Pop-Up of James’ Portfolio
Module 2: The Fundamental, Pattern
and Full Analysis Filters
- How to ride on the coattails of the largest, Warren-Buffet-Sized investors and match their trades even with a modest budget. (Module 2, Pages 2-3)
- 4 ways BIG MONEY investors filter out risky and low-reward stocks from the prime money makers. (Module 2, Pages 3-7)
- My stock Watch List’s amazing unintended consequence: sensing the mood of the market weeks, even months before others catch on. (Module 2, Page 8)
- The “fundamentals” watch list system that “accidentally” discovers emerging hot markets. (It told us in advance that housing companies were on the way out and energy companies were on the way in). (Module 2, Page 9)
- How I suck it up and turn the other cheek on stocks that go sour… and profit handsomely for doing so. (Module 2, Page 10)
- How I legally “cheat” to find the best of the best stocks with a fraction of the effort. (Module 2, Page 13)
- The secret to discovering JUICY stocks that are ripe for the picking… by TURNING OFF YOUR ANALYTICAL SIDE. (This is where many traders go wrong and burn themselves out.) (Module 2, Page 14)
- It’s easier than you think! How to pick hot stocks at a glance instead wasting hours on needless busywork. (Module 2, Pages 14-15)
- How to verify trends in 30 seconds or less. (Module 2, Page 15)
- How I can lose on up to 30% of my trades and still build my bankroll hand over fist. (Module 2, Page 19)
- 2 “magic” indicators that can broadly identify a bull or bear market in 10 seconds or less. (Most people glance right over these… they’re probably in your daily newspaper!) (Module 2, Page 21)
- How to avoid being fooled by short-term trends. (Module 2, Pages 23-24)
- Long-term investors can spot this dirty broker’s trick a mile away. Don’t fall for it! (Module 2, Page 28)
- The 30 most vital, information-rich minutes of a trading day. (Module 2, Page 33)
- Smart investors call this number “The Great Validator” and use it to validate their calls and puts BEFORE making a decision. (Module 2, Page 36)
- How to identify and profit from the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Principle. (Module 2, Page 41)
- How newspaper headlines can make buy and sell decisions for you. (Module 2, Page 43)
- Beware complicated indicators! ________ and _________ are the only 2 REAL indicators and the rest are simply manipulations of the two. (Module 2, Page 50)
- How to almost completely eliminate false indicators from your trading strategy. (Module 2, Pages 51-52)
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Ashly Lyons –
Great Store!!! | Options Profit Success System by AJ Brown (9 DVDs + Workbook)