Optinostrategist – 16 Seminar Home Study Course – Available Now !!!
Sale Page: optionstrategist.com
Value: $ 299.00
You just pay: $ 37
Status: Instant Delivery
This item Includes:
A Comprehensive Option Education in Downloadable Video Format
Containing over 25 hours of educational material spanning 16 topics, this video bundle is the perfect learning tool for any caliber trader. Divided into novice, intermediate, and advanced volumes, The Home Study Course promotes a comprehensive learning experience and is instructed by Lawrence G. McMillan himself. Each video is at least an hour long and includes audio and visual in a slide-show seminar format. Purchase the entire 16 seminar set or just the novice, intermediate or advanced volumes.
16 different topics in seperate Windows Media Player and Quicktime video files (1 hour plus running time each)
Compatible with PCs running Microsoft Windows Media Player or Mac computers running Quictime
Seminars contain audio and visual in Windows Media Player (.wmv) and Quick Time (.mov) file format
Sets are delivered as a .zip file
Click on each seminar Topic below to view the seminar outline
Novice Seminar Set (5 seminars)
Option Basics
Basic Spreads & Straddles
Covered Call Writing
Naked Option Writing
Speculative Option Buying
Get Optinostrategist – 16 Seminar Home Study Course at Sendcourse.com.
Intermediate Seminar Set (5 seminars)
Advanced Spreading Techniques
Expiration & Program Trading
LEAPS Strategies
Predicting Takeovers & Other Corporate News Events
Using Put Call Ratios
Advanced Seminar Set (6 seminars)
Inter-market Spreads & Pairs Trading
Insurance Using Options
Option Models & The GREEKS
Structured Products
Why Trade Volatility? Pt.1
Why Trade Volatility? Pt.2
“The [seminar] set I bought at the money show is worth 10 x the price. After years of working with options and stocks I have picked up more information from the seminars than in all that time. They really are great. The best thing is really how he identifies all of the pitfalls of all the option strategies and what works and what he thinks is a waste of time. His experience and comments are golden!”
– Dave J.
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