Myofascial Mobilizations for Fast Relief: A Structural Integration Perspective – Lu Mueller-Kaul | Instant Download !
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Myofascial modalities have gained popularity with aiding in recovery after injuries by improving range of motion and reducing pain. Structural imbalance is not usually the reason for recurring pain and tension; the real problem is lack of mobility. Unfortunately, there is a lot of pseudoscience in the marketing of myofascial techniques, making them easy targets for critics and skeptics. Taking the criticism to heart, Lu Mueller-Kaul teaches a modern approach to myofascial work, targeting function over posture.
Evaluations and interventions in this recording focus on giving the musculoskeletal system better, more efficient mobility instead of “perfect posture.” This approach is not only consistent with scientific findings that show how much immobility harms the body–it’s also FAST and EASY. You will learn interventions for pain relief and improved range of motion that can be performed in short sessions of 20 minutes.
These easily learned techniques are utilized to approach pain, tension, and limited range of motion in the pelvic and shoulder girdle. Successfully using these techniques reveals better mobility, improved posture in sitting and standing, and often immediate pain relief.
Keith Hurley –
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