Moresellerleads – Rob Swanson – Handwritten Postcard System – Available Now !!!
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If you want to learn how to make more money investing in real estate, whether you’re just getting started or are already experienced, then this message is for you.
3X More Motivated Seller Leads And Bigger Profits
Without Spending Even A Single Dime More On Postcards, Letters Or “New Lists”…
Anyone can get better leads and a lot more of them…
Simply read on and you’ll learn how ANYONE can get better leads and a lot more of them by doing something so simple you’ll kick yourself for not thinking of doing this much, much sooner.
I’ll admit this up-front.
I didn’t “invent” the new motivated seller lead getting technique you’ll learn on this page. I copied it from Rick, a good friend of mine (who also happens to be an extremely successful real estate investor) that gave me permission to share everything with you here today.
He told me I could share his secret weapon with a few folks today but he left it open ended as to when he want’s me to take this page down.
My promise to him was when he says “pull-it” — the page comes down — no questions asked.
This means you need to read this entire page now and take notes.
In real estate, you control your own future when you know how to get leads. The problem is that you know it and so does Your Competition!
That’s why anyone that’s even half serious about getting DOZENS more seller leads “from the exact list you and your competition are already using” needs to pay close attention.
Now, this probably sounds a little corny, and honestly I hesitate to say it, but the truth is that the technique and information on this page is a little like cheating.
What you’re about to learn is TOTALLY NEW! Everything you’re about to see on this page is 100% real.
The reason I’m so excited Rick allowed me to share this with you is because my 15+ years as a real estate investor, I’ve never seen anyone teach this publicly before.
Look at these results. These deals all happened directly after using the EXACT technique that Rick uses.
These are Rick’s actual results using the simple technique you’ll learn today. The technique Rick used to get these leads, deals and profits are being used by only a very small group of real estate investors because of recent increases in competition.
If there’s one thing I want you to take a way from this training today it’s this:
You have to “be different” from your competition so YOU stand out in the crowd and get leads that other (even successful) real estate investors will never get.
Here’s an example of the piles of mail one seller received – Dozens of postcards & letters from local investors…
Take This Away Today:
YOU have to do “little things” to get leads that your competition is either “unwilling or unaware” to even do. That is exactly what Rick does and that’s why he’s so successful when others fail and struggle to get leads.
Just take a look at two of his recent campaigns.
Now, if you follow any of the so-called “gurus” out there, here’s what you’re probably thinking HOLY COW! Rick must spend a fortune to get leads.
But You’re Wrong!
In fact, Rick spends such a small amount of money to get better leads than his competition, that you almost won’t believe it when I show you. So first let me show you what most “successful” investors do & what most gurus are teaching you. (and then I’ll show you EXACTLY how Rick does it).
That’s What The Rest Of This Letter Is All About…
But let me say upfront, the government is very clear that I can’t make income claims. It’s important to know the system you’re about to learn is too new to have typical or average results.
I can only share with you the results Rick has been getting in his business & show you exactly how he’s been doing it. Since I don’t know you, how hard you’ll work or if you’ll even follow the system, I can’t honestly say whether you’ll make money or not.
What I can say is this…what you’ll learn here today has created some of the most profitable lead getting campaignsI’ve ever seen.
So if you’d like to know the secret formula that is helping a small group of real estate investors get more seller leadsand make more money than most investors at just a mere fraction of the cost and doing up to 3X less work…then what you’re about to see could be the most important 2 minutes you spend all year.
You’re about to discover Rick’s technique that is PROVEN to bring in up to 311% more leads from the exact same list YOU and your competition are using.
IMAGINE: Instead of getting just 20 leads from your next motivated seller marketing campaign…you get over 62 leads from the exact same list.
AND Reduce Your Cost Per Lead By Up To 68%!
Just think about this. When you follow this system and reduce your up-front costs by 68%, do you think you can easily afford to do more marketing?
Or how about this…when you follow this system and TRIPLE the number of leads you get with every campaign, do you think you can close more deals for more regular profits?
Again, the OBVIOUS answer is: YES.
OK…so as I dive into exactly what Rick is doing, I want to make sure you learn why his system is working so well. So, to set this up, I want to show you four of the “most common” ways investors get leads first and then I’ll show you the“hybrid lead getting method” that Rick has perfected.
#1 Internet Leads. Internet leads are good (some are even GREAT). The problem is, unless your pretty techy, have months to wait or a big budget to pay someone to do the online stuff for you, internet leads are too expensive or too slow.
#2 Bandit Sign Leads. Bandit sign leads are also GREAT (in fact I remember one deal where I made over $29,263 on Tonopah Avenue right from a bandit sign). The problem is, when you want to make the serious kind of money like Rick, bandit signs are just not targeted enough. #3
Realtor Leads I love getting leads from Realtors. They can be great. But referrals is a really hard way to make a profit.
#4 Direct Mail Leads The single lead getting method that has make me the more money than anything else I’ve ever done is Direct Mail. It’s fast, it’s targeted and it can generate a high volume of leads.
And…Here’s The Problem
It doesn’t matter if you’re just getting started or are already closing 2 to 3 deals or more a month.
The system you’re learning on this page will help you steal deals from under the noses of these local barons that are making all the cash.
These guys are spending $60,000+ a year on direct mail. That’s really tough to compete with if you’re trying to compete head-to-head. And remember the ”other guys” campaign I showed you earlier. Well, the ”guru” way costs you $8k up-front.
Here’s what’s awesome (and what you need to know). When I talk to Rick about this he told me, ”Rob, I barely spendthat in a year…and look at the profits I get.”
Picture yourself bringing in dozens of highly targeted highly motivated seller leads that your competition is missing.
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Kenley Rowe –
Received in perfect condition, quickly, thanks! | Moresellerleads – Rob Swanson – Handwritten Postcard System