Mike Koenigs – Everywhere Now Consult & Profit 2017 | INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD !
Mike Koenigs – Everywhere Now Consult & Profit 2017
Price : $1997
Just pay: $142
Sale Page : https://yen.clickfunnels.com/2017-cap-replay-page13682921
Archive Sale Page: http://archive.is/KLyfp
Plus — When You Act Before the Timer Ends, You’ll Get the Chance to
- TIME — Content
- 13:20 – Ed shows you the key mindset hack to finding new clients now.
- 14:35 – Ed shows you perfect system for closing new deals (and it requires no “selling” at all).
- 19:30 – Together we show you how one student launched her consulting biz from scratch into a $10k deal, then within a year had 6-figure business. (Oh…and she never even intended to become a consultant).
- 24:30 – Ed shows you the 5 best business models to start or grow this year. (These are based on real deals have come in over the last 36 months).
- 26:50 – We show you a case study of a former high school principal who is consistently closing deals between $5,000 and $35,000.
- 30:05 – Ed demonstrates the fastest way to make an extra $10,000 right now.
- 32:00 – Mike conducts a live demo of the new “6 Figure Text Message” System that’s been responsible for $8k, $18k, $29k, and $70k deals.
- 39:00 – Ed taught word-for-word the 8 words that automatically close deals (and he’ll show you how to do it without sounding pitchy, salesy, or hypey).
- 40:45 – Ed unveils the brand new “Yes Before the Yes” Technique that flat out guarantees you’ll close more deals for more money.
- 43:35 – Ed shows you the 8 key things you need in your consulting toolkit. (NOTE: you need all 8 to get paid what you’re worth.)
- 45:00 – Ed shows you 5 sure-fire ways to get customers and clients to come to you. (In other words, you can say goodbye to pointless cold calling, prospecting, and “networking” lunches.)
- 47:05 – Ed breaks down the 6 key Consulting Pricing Models so you know exactly what to charge on your next deal.
- 49:45 – Ed tells you how to answer the question, “So what do you do?” (Admit it…you wish you had a better way to answer this one.)
- 58:25 – Ed explains the difference between a coach, consultant, and advisor…and how you can easily ascend this ladder to get people to pay you for your ideas (instead of your time).
- 1:02:30 – Ed shows you the copy-and-paste scripts you absolutely need in your marketing arsenal. (You also need these on your hard drive…ok…we’ll explain!)
- 1:14:00 – Ed walks through the ground-breaking / done-for-you material inside of the “Proposal Toolkit” – a system that contains everything you need to set up and profit from a consulting business…even if you’ve never consulted before.
- 1:27:50 – Ed unpacked a new system we are teaching called “Money Phone” that’s already responsible for 6-figures in deals!
- 1:32:00 – Ed and Mike revealed the MOAB – the “Mother of All Bonuses” – a chance to come in and work with Mike and Ed in a small group (i.e. 15 or less) here in San Diego. Crazy good bonus. Crazy good.
- 1:36:00 – Ed and Mike reveal the price, payment plans, new bonus, and the guarantee.
- 1:43:25 – Ed and Mike continue the training with a round of Q&A.
- Position – instantly become the go-to person in your niche with 1 of 8 positioning tools.
- Price – Get maximum value from every consulting deal by crafting “no brainer” offers.
- Present – 30+ X-ray questions you can ask any client so they virtually beg you to work with them.
- Pitch – word-for-word scripting on how to present and justify your price, how to counter any objection, and how to ask for the sale, without sounding “salesy” or pushy.
- Produce – How to over-deliver, create raving fans, get more referrals, testimonials, and online business.
- Transcriptions – A well-organized, easy to follow pdf that has word-for-word transcripts and outlines from the entire training.
- Action Book – Detailed notes about each module, plus fun, fill-in-the-blanks worksheets you can to take notes with while watching the course or use to test yourself after.
- MP3 Audio’s of All Modules. Download and take the audio files with you on any mp3 player.
- Everything you need to run a seamless, successful consulting business written for you.
- An outline for instantly creating a sales script that you can use for books, presentations, interviews, infomercials, and more!
- Appointment Setting Script
- Confirmation Emails
- Confirmation Script to Schedule Speaking Events
- Letter to Book Speaking Events
- Sales Video Script
- Opt-in Video Script
- Lead Page Video Script
- … and So Much More!
- 5 Plug-and-Play business models ready to take off including all the scripts, forms, proposals, and agreements for Book Marketing, Digital Marketing, Video Marketing, Product Marketing, and Strategic Advisor (Ed’s favorite!).
- 5 Ready-To-Go, Professionally-Produced, PowerPoint / Keynote presentations to use on webcasts, webinars, speaking events, and 1-on-1 presentations. (See! I told you we did the work for you!)
Together with Mike Koenigs, Ed Rush and their team, you’ll learn the latest strategies for building and engaging an audience using live interactive online video!
- How to do live training and marketing events with Facebook Live and YouTube Live
- How to set up a mini home or office studio for $500-$2,000
- Create a mini-product in less than a day
- How to turn your videos or events into bestselling books to use for sales or lead generation
- Build a lead capture sales funnel to get and “warm up” leads
- Promote your event, sales funnel, product or service with Facebook Ads
- How to do live sales and training webinars and webcasts
- How to do evergreen sales funnels
- And how to encourage your fans and followers to promote and market for you!
They’re using the latest tools and systems and show you HOW they work!
Lilyana Potter –
AAA seller | Mike Koenigs – Everywhere Now Consult & Profit 2017