[Download] Mike Aston – Learn To Trade [Trading Template]
Part 1: $6000 in 2 Days
In this video Mike explains how he made $6000 in two days using his template which shows him exactly where to engage in the market.
Part 2: $1000 in 1 Day
Day two he makes $1000 and he explains how he only trades with 5 – 6 different companies and has traded those same stocks for 18yrs.
Part 3: $600 in 1 Day
This is the third video in a row of Mike generating income online consistanly. He also explains in this video that he does have losing trades.
Part 4-7: $2700 in 3 Days
Mike shows a few losing trades on day 4 and 5 totaling to $400. On day 6 he ended with $2700. With all of Mike’s trades his week resulted in a $10,000 profit.
Video C: What is Digital Trading?
Watch this video below to see why Mike is offering this course.
The Trading Template is an online digital trading course that will walk you through the simple process of knowing exactly how to extract cash from the market. Mike has put together a specific system that will teach you how to trade, when to trade, and what to trade. After 18 years, Mike still uses his “template” he discovered and he believes that anyone can learn how to generate $1,000 a day from home with just one tool, the LOC.
In this course you will join Tori and Payton, Mikes two nieces, as they learn how to properly engage the flow of money. The secret is to, listen- follow- live. Mike says there are only two sides of the coin in trading. Winning and losing. He discovered the person who knows how to “lose correctly” becomes the winner. The money is on the other side of losing. He explains this in great detail.
Video D – 60 Real Trades
Mike shows many of his trades over the course of a few months. In order to show you how his method works day after day.
Always start with questions. — Who are you? and What kind of thinking do you have?
Are you a “Doer” or just a hearer? One of the many people “wishing” they had better finances. But just stay there wishing….. not really willing to do anything about improving. Please let today be a solid start in the correct direction. You have come here for a reason.
It’s a matter of what you know and more importantly- “what you don’t know“.
If you are not making, as a secondary income, $50K, 100k or 500k, it is simply because you do not know how to. That seems like a strange statement, but I think it is true. It is not anything to be ashamed of.
I was in the same situation for many years. You simply have not been taught how to think and do correctly. You need to have specialized skills. Skills that will put you in position to generate more income.
Ideally you should have an income source that – you will own. That is a huge condition to my financial plan. I do not accept that someone else will be in control of my income potential. One of the reasons I learned to trade is to own the correct knowledge. Now I am in control and own the specialized knowledge that lets me generate additional sources of income. It is very liberating.
Also you need to have income being generated while you are doing other things. We all know a job at best is just to stay afloat. NO ONE has freedoms with a job. It is actually silly when you really think about the job mindset. We all have been programmed to go that route at some point. Thankfully I changed paths. Hopefully you will let me share with you how to do the same.
I would like to share with you what I have been doing for many years. Trading can go one of two ways- the happy way or not so happy way. Meaning, there is one of two outcomes. Either you are losing money or you are gaining the money. Obviously the losing side is the problem. After making thousands of live trades, I was able to develop, what I call a “template” that keeps me on the gaining side. This is what I hopefully can teach you.
IF you are ready to take steps to financial independence and completely turn around your way of seeing the work world- then join us today in learning the trading template. Why learn this stuff– So you can make a $1000 a day! …from anywhere, anytime. I will share with you what I have been doing for 18 years. It is quite fascinating once you understand it.
Just to be clear, I don’t make a $1000 every single day. My goal is to be able to average that over the course of the month.
We’re Looking for students to trade with our money
Lord willing, may he grant us another awesome year to bring about great things.
Time is so precious; Why waste it? As I always say, “Today is the day to be ready.” We all know people who put things off until tomorrow, but why? Why put something off until tomorrow when it can be a reality today? I would genuinely love to help you reach real solid financial goals today. I know that there are individuals out there who will readily excel at trading once they take my course. Some individuals will make trading a solid addition to their monthly income once they educate themselves and realize that this is a real opportunity to improve their financial prowess. However, I do understand that many may not have the required resources to engage the market as quickly or as aggressively as they would like.
Class Curriculum
Trading Template eBook
Mike’s personal method for trading Stocks, Futures, and Forex
Main Course
Lesson One: Psychological Realignment (36:44)
Lesson Two: Ah, the light comes on! (59:45)
Lesson Three: Time to change my position! (64:09)
Lesson Four: Review (21:00)
Part 2: Diving in Deeper
Free Preview
Short Selling (7:25)
Advancers & Decliners
Stop Loss (Audio)
It’s Wrong Unless Proven Correct (Audio)
Bad Trade Example (7:56)
Daily Trading (16:28)
Losing Correctly (52:17)
Non Producer Example (4:50)
Small Little Losers (14:11)
Master the LOC’s First (25:05)
Take Your Eye Off Making Money (14:20)
Wiggle Room (11:52)
Free Place to Practice LOC’s (62:29)
Where to start practicing? (6:32)
What is a true LOC? (18:27)
Get Rid of Everything You Already Know! (82:51)
Student Review (57:33)
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fast shipping | Mike Aston – Learn To Trade [Stock Trading Course Trading Template]