Michelle Meleo – Basic Mediumship course | INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD !
Michelle Meleo – Basic Mediumship course
Learn how to connect to spiritual energies in order to receive personal messages for yourself, your family and friends.
We all have the capability to connect and communicate with the spirit realm and many of us are already doing it without even trying! Michelle believes this is because, as humans we are experiencing a new level of human evolution – a fifth sense… and much like our ancestors did before us, we are in the process of activating a next level of brain activity.
This next level includes the ability to be able to perceive the more subtle energies of the spirit world. As we awaken and become more aware of these energies, it is important to have a guideline to follow so that we are better able to develop these new gifts and also do it safely.
During this intense course, Michelle awakens your higher self to the higher realms of perception, familiarizes you with the different types of spirits and helps you learn how to distinguish which messages come from those spirits and which ones are your own. She also explores how to connect to spiritual energies in order to receive personal messages for yourself and how to keep your energy clear and protected while doing so.
Included in this course:
Instructed By
Michelle Meleo was born and raised in Lakeville, Massachusetts, a small New England town just outside of Plymouth, Ma. Michelle has been aware of her psychic abilities since childhood and has spent most of her life developing those skills.
She believes that everyone has the capability to access and develop inherent psychic abilities for personal as well as professional uses and is dedicated to helping others along their personal journey.
Michelle is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and has created and published numerous works that include hypnosis programs, easy to understand workbooks and recordings to help others clear personal energy, connect with the spirit world & recognize and develop their own psychic skills.
You’ll Learn
Welcome from Michelle & Course Downloads
The Many Different Types of Mediums
Guided Meditation to Awaken & Enhance the Medium Within
Video Tutorial – Preparing your Sacred Space (7:46)
Video Tutorial – Clearing Spiritual Energy (12:07)
Eduardo Hamilton –
Good | Michelle Meleo – Basic Mediumship course