Maxwell Finn – Paid Traffic Training 2.0 – Assimilation
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Getting started with mountain climbing may seem intimidating, but with Julia’s expert guidance you’ll be up the summit faster than you could have ever expected.
Learn all the skills and confidence needed to tackle the most daunting situations with ease.
Pretty soon, a trip up to the mountains will be the best part of your week!
The path to becoming an expert mountaineer and cliffhanger takes dedication and time, but if you put your mind to it, you’ll have no problem becoming one of the best.
What are you waiting for?
Talking about myself is probably the activity I hate most…seriously it’s the worst. That being said, most of you don’t know me and I am asking you to give me money for my knowledge, so I should tell you a little bit about why this is an awesome deal for you!
I have been a digital marketer and entrepreneur for over 10 years. I launched my first startup while I was still in college called Loot. My partner and I raised several million dollars in venture funding, acquired hundreds of thousands of users and had close to 20 employees before we sold the company.
After Loot I launched Startup Drugz, an ecommerce store selling entrepreneurial themed gear. Startup Drugz did over $300k in sales in it’s first year and since then I have been obsessed with ecommerce and Facebook advertising.
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Amaya Santos –
Was perfect! | Maxwell Finn – Paid Traffic Training 2.0