Market Geometry 2009 – Private Sessions – Available Now !!!
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Value: $ 1,997
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Timothy Morge has been a professional trader, author, educator and mentor for more than 35 years.
Besides trading his own capital, Tim is President of Blackthorne Capital, a private money management firm that works with several of the largest non-U.S.
Institutional portfolios. In the 1980’s and 1990’s, he managed and taught other traders for institutions like Commodities Corporation, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs. He remains one of the world’s largest currency traders, routinely carrying positions of several billion U.S. Dollars. Tim has taught hundreds of professional floor traders at the CBOT and CME to become successful off-floor electronic traders. He is a regular lecturer at some of the most prestigious Graduate Schools of Business and Finance in the United States, including MIT, Stanford, and The University of Chicago. He currently donates his time teaching basic techinical analysis to 4th and 5th grade accelerated students at 59 elementary schools around the United States.
Get Market Geometry 2009 – Private Sessions at
[The program is named Crayon Drawing!]
Look through Tim Morge’s eyes as he evaluates markets live, right around the US opening. Watch him trade and demonstrate the proprietary techniques that have made him one of the world’s top traders today.
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