Manipulators & Character Disorders: Interventions, Perspectives, & Strategies – George Simon | Instant Download !
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Gain practical tips to successfully work with manipulators!
Manipulators are among a more troublesome group of disturbed and disordered characters that helping professionals increasingly find themselves dealing with, whether or not those clients have been primarily diagnosed with a personality disorder. Like the proverbial wolves in sheep’s clothing, manipulators know how to get the better of others and look good while doing it. Dealing with them can be a lot like getting whiplash, you fully realize what’s transpired only after the damage is already done. Most clinicians know that traditional insight-oriented approaches designed to treat “neurosis” aren’t very effective when it comes to intervening with the character-impaired. Join one of the foremost authorities on manipulative personalities, Dr. George Simon, as he shares a unique perspective along with practical, effective strategies that promote positive change in clients of troubled character.
- Develop new treatment strategies for helping clients understand and manage manipulators
- Summarize key differences between “neurotic” and character-impaired personalities as they relate to clinical treatment
- Articulate the primary power tactics manipulators use to control others while avoiding responsibility for their behavior
- Determine how to effectively confront manipulation tactics during treatment sessions
- Demonstrate practical strategies for promoting genuine change even in the most difficult and irresponsible clients
- Teach clients empowerment tools to overcome emotional manipulation
Get Manipulators & Character Disorders: Interventions, Perspectives, & Strategies of author George Simon
- Key differences between“neurotic” and character-impaired personalities
- Anxiety
- Conscience
- Guilt
- Shame
- Awareness
- Ten commandments of character development
- Manipulative personality types
- Framework to identify manipulators
- Thinking errors
- Circumstantial
- End-game
- Egomaniacal
- Combative
- Opportunistic
- Unreasonable
- Tactics used to evade responsibility and manipulate others
- Techniques to manage thinking errors and tactics
- Practical strategies to promote genuine change
- Empowerment tools
- Set limits
- Respect boundaries
- Judge actions, not intentions
- Make direct requests, expect direct responses
- Know yourself
- Sample therapy vignettes
Get Manipulators & Character Disorders: Interventions, Perspectives, & Strategies of author George Simon
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