Leadsology – Tom Poland Killer Copywriting – Available Now !!!
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Dear Potential Copywriter,
I have literally generated many millions of dollars in sales. And if you asked me to isolate THE ONE THING that has allowed me to achieve that it is my decision to learn how to write words, with integrity, that motivate people to give me their money.
This is a skill that everyone who wants to produce cash like turning on a tap, can and must learn.
Frankly, most of my competitors have higher IQs than me. And most of them work harder than me.
And yet they continue to scratch their heads trying to figure out how I can create consistently high sales volumes year in and year out with increasingly less time and with less stress and strain.
For 27 years I’ve closely guarded my secret strategies for turning words into money and for the first time ever, through the Killer Copy Course, I’m spilling the beans.
John Lennon once said “When we want a new swimming pool I just sit down and write one”.
How would your life transform if you had the same power?
It’s not just your business life that will be better. Imagine how the extra sense of security and freedom would enrich your family life and how their lifestyle would go up a couple of notches … and for you … more free time, more toys and the opportunity to support worthy causes.
But before I give you more information there is one obstacle that is probably stopping you right now from learning how to turn your keyboard into a cash-giving ATM. That one obstacle is the belief that you can’t master this skill.
For the sake of your future financial prosperity, please get this one message:
YOU can learn the skill of turning words into large, lovely piles of cash!
Please note the emphasis on the word “you”. If I can do it, anyone can. Here’s why I say that…
At age five I was not allowed to commence school for the simple reason that I could barely put a sentence together. And even though English was my first (and only) language I was so bad at it that I was routinely physically punished (educational theory was a little different 50 years ago) for incorrect choice of words and for generally speaking like the village idiot
And at high school I regularly finished at the bottom of the class for all subjects including language and took two years to fail my final year. That’s right: two years to fail a one year course.
So it’s not like I was born smart or with any ability with words – and that’s why I say that if I can learn this skill then YOU can.
And here’s the really beautiful thing about learning the secrets of turning your keyboard into an ATM…
You can learn this skill once, and then use it time and time again over many years to produce cash on demand…
… and multiply your earnings 3, 4, 5, 10 and even 20 times, simply because you opened up your mind to the possibility that you too can write words that influence others with integrity.
If you’ve worked with me before you know that I never exaggerate my claims.
But if we haven’t worked together (yet) you may want more “proof positive” about my track record so here goes (this is NOT to impress you about me, it’s to impress ON you the power of good copywriting).
Here’s a bit of an inside peek of just three instances from the last 18 months where copywriting helped me boost my earnings (please remember: I am not boasting about how good I am … us modest Kiwis don’t get off on that sort of thing; I simply want to demonstrate the power of this process)
- Last March I launched a brand new product, from scratch, using only 3 emails and took in $23,310 … but that was not just a one-off sale … the copywriting secured the $23,310 FOR EVERY SINGLE MONTH for 12 months…(I invite you to do the math on what that copywriting was worth to me)
- Then, early last November my brother emailed me from New Zealand (I live in Australia) and suggested we do a brotherly love motorcycle tour of Australia. I thought “now that’s a great idea!” … but the only problem was I didn’t have a motorbike.I had a look around and decided that I wanted to buy the fastest sports tourer on the planet … a Kawasaki 1400GTR … so I sat down and wrote a special promotional pre-Christmas special offer … here’s the result …That’s me on the left (you can tell because I’m grinning like a Cheshire Cat standing behind the very shiny new $18,990 Kawasaki 1400GTR (arrrrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhhh) that was paid for from four emails I sent out between the 18th and 20th of November)
- Two days ago (this is pretty recent history!) I ran a webinar (an on-line seminar) and within the 48 hours since I’ve secured 4 new clients, each of whom has paid $1,790 with the promise of much more to come – that adds up to a MINIMUM of $7,160 for an email invitation that I wrote but that was sent out by someone else to their database (it wasn’t even my own list!)
Please kindly contact us if you need proof of item.
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Ashleigh Chaney –
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