Lawsuits & Wounds: The Latest Trends & Risk Reduction Strategies to Protect Your Patients and Your License – Ann Kahl Taylor | Instant Download !
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Nurse Sue was wondering why she was being called to the nursing administration office. She mentally went over the list of tasks she was already behind on, as she hurried to meet Terry, her boss. Terry had someone else in her office as Sue sat down. “Hi Sue, this is the lawyer from our corporate office. You remember Mr. F. who was in about a year ago? The family has filed a lawsuit related to the pressure injury care you provided to him. We will need a list of the wound care classes you have taken before you are expected to give a deposition next week.”
The panic set in very fast for this actual nurse. What went wrong with this all-too-real scenario? What is the facility’s responsibility? What should Sue do? Is Sue the only team member who should be pursued? You will be able to answer these questions, practice more confidently and formulate strategies to protect yourself after spending one enlightening day with Ann Taylor MS, RN, CWOCN®, National Wound Expert and Legal Consultant.
- Analyze 5 common wound care failures.
- Summarize costly – and common – documentation mistakes.
- Select interventions to manage wounds with current care guidelines in place.
- Formulate appropriate plans of care for different wound presentations.
- Incorporate algorithms to improve your care.
- Differentiate care considerations for specific populations at risk for pressure injuries.
Lawsuits and Wounds
- Legal terms that should cause concern
- Commonly-cited failures in wound management
- Where do you find standards of care?
- Competencies you should have on file
- Staffing impact for patients and you
Policy Updates: What May Sound Unimportant One Day, Can Become Critical
- Photo documentation
- Assessment & reassessment
- Consultations you should request
- Don’t fail to follow your own policies!
Pressure Injury Prevention
- Avoidable versus unavoidable
- Skin failure
- Terminal ulcers
- Avoid failure to prevent injury
Assessments: The Courtroom Downfall
- Determine risk to put proper prevention measures in place
- Nutritional needs and realistic goals
- Mobility challenges solved!
- Develop an individualized plan of care
- Reassessment… again and again!
- Pain management strategies
- Do not fail to properly assess
Guideline Updates for Your Clinical Practice
- Pressure injuries
- Lower extremity ulcers
- Other skin damage
- Continuing education
Wound Care Challenges: It’s Not Always Pressure…
Documentation Pitfalls
- Electronic charting
- Policies
- Drop boxes
- The ‘ideal‘ wound notes
Take-Home Algorithms to Put into Practice Tomorrow
- Topical therapy
- Lower extremity ulcers
- Ostomy management
- Support surfaces
Case Studies: Costly Mistakes Made in Wound Care
- Risk assessment
- Topical formularies
- Wound assessment
- Differential diagnosis
- Care plans
- Patient record
Tag: Lawsuits & Wounds: The Latest Trends & Risk Reduction Strategies to Protect Your Patients and Your License – Ann Kahl Taylor Review. Lawsuits & Wounds: The Latest Trends & Risk Reduction Strategies to Protect Your Patients and Your License – Ann Kahl Taylor download. Lawsuits & Wounds: The Latest Trends & Risk Reduction Strategies to Protect Your Patients and Your License – Ann Kahl Taylor discount.
Elvis Fuller –
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