Kim Garst – Facebook Ads Launch Pad | INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD !
Kim Garst – Facebook Ads Launch Pad
Price: $197
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Facebook Ads Launch Pad
Everything You Need (and Nothing You Don’t) to CRUSH Facebook Ads Starting T-O-D-A-Y.
Sound familiar?
What if I could take you from knowing little to nothing about Facebook Ads to being online with your first SUCCESSFUL ad TODAY?
If you are reading this right now, I’m guessing that you are interested in knowing if Facebook Advertising can work for your business? It absolutely can and will,
…all you have to do is decide to take the leap!
Whoa…..hold on for just one second!
How in the world are you supposed to learn an entire online advertising platform; it can’t be easy, right? Even if you did, you probably don’t have a pile of cash sitting around that you can afford to squander on something new; especially something you are not sure works.
Am I right?
I hear you…me either!
As a small business owner I wear many hats. On any given day I have 20-30 things that HAVE to get done. How do I add one more? It’s practically impossible, and I’m betting you know that or you wouldn’t still be reading this.
That’s why the solution isn’t MORE information.
You don’t need to be told what you should do…
…you just need a shortcut for getting it DONE.
In other words, you just need someone to tell you EXACTLY what to do to get the absolute best results with the minimum investment of time and effort.
That’s why we created…
The Facebook Ads Launch Pad
The Facebook Ads Launch Pad is mini-course designed specifically for busy entrepreneurs and small business owners who want to use Facebook Ads but don’t have the time to learn the ins and outs or finer points of online advertising and can’t afford to lose money on advertising that doesn’t work.
What if I could take you from knowing little to nothing about Facebook Ads to being online with your first SUCCESSFUL ad TODAY? Would that be something you are interested in?
My Facebook Ads Launch Pad Course can do exactly that!
Get Kim Garst – Facebook Ads Launch Padon right now!
Specifically, I will teach you:
How to build your own jaw-dropping GRAPHICS in minutes!
In summary, my Facebook Ads Launch Pad Course will tell you exactly what you need to do (and nothing you don’t!) to run a successful Facebook Ad.
So, this is my first of two promises to you.
In my Facebook Ads Launch Pad Course you WILL get:
In short, I am going to teach you what took me three years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn today!
What This Course Is NOT
Have you ever purchased a course only to find out that you don’t want 80% of what is in it? Don’t you wish you could just pay for the 20% that you actually used? That was exactly my thinking!
When I wrote Facebook Ads Launch Pad, I developed the course so you would actually use every single thing in it! Then, I priced it at a ridiculously low $197… we could easily sell this course for $997!
Why? Short and simple, I wanted to make it affordable for EVERY small business owner.
This is my second promise to you. What you will NOT get in this course is:
In summary, I am not going to waste your time or your money, not one second or one dollar. There is none of the normal “garbage” you normally see in online courses in this one.
We Do This Every Day, All Day!
Get other products by Kim Garst right now!
My Facebook Ads Launch Pad Course is the crowning achievement of a three-year journey to take myself and my social selling marketing firm, Boom! Social, to the top of the Facebook Advertising world.
Over the next year my company, Boom! Social, will use Facebook advertising to achieve:
You say, “But I don’t have a ton of money to spend on Facebook Ads!”
I didn’t either…until I started doing Facebook Ads. Sound like a “Catch-22”? Not really. It didn’t take me long to figure out that every time I spent $1 on Facebook Ads, I got way more than $1 back. After that it became very easy to find the capital I needed to grow my business because I knew I was going to get my investment back (and more!) almost immediately.
Do NOT Run Another Facebook Ad Until You Have TakenThis Course!
For those of you who have run Facebook Ads before, I have one piece of advice.
Odds are if you let me help, I can help you improve on what you are already doing. By “improve”, I mean I can help you increase the effectiveness of your Facebook Ads and help you reduce the time you spend creating, monitoring and revising them. I tested this course on a number of my friends, clients and people’s whose opinions I trusted and, to a person, each one of them told me there was something they did not know, or something that I showed them how to do better that made their $197 investment in the course well worth it.
Yep, Just $197
That’s the craziest part of all of this. I am only charging $197 for the course. If you have seen any of my other courses you know I charge $497 to $1,297 each and I sell thousands of copies! Being so success in many other places in my business allows me to pick and choose where I want to significantly discount a product (like this course!) to make it totally affordable to everyone.
My Facebook Ads Launch Pad Course, at just $197, is my way of giving back and helping as many small businesses as I can grow their businesses by learning to use this incredibly powerful advertising platform.
It was a game-changer in my business and I know it can be one in your also!
Don’t waste one more second. Get you copy right here, right now!
Get Kim Garst – Facebook Ads Launch Pad right now!
Jayda Harrison –
Wonderful transaction. Great communication. Thank you | Kim Garst – Facebook Ads Launch Pad